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Async python library to interact with Audiobookshelf (ABS).

This lib's primary goal is to be used within the Audiobookshelf music provider in Music Assistant, but it can be used independently. Calls to endpoints not needed for the provider will be added over time.

Not all endpoints are yet implemented.


Releases can be found on pypi, and are tagged.

Basic usage

ABS has a rest api, documented here and additionally uses, see here for some event driven functionality. Accessibility to the endpoints is determined by the user types, which may be root, admin, user, guest. This lib is not tested with a guest user.

As of 0.1.2 this lib has two different clients, the UserClient and the SocketClient. Admin endpoints are not yet implemented. The user client handles calls to the Rest API, the socket client allows to subscribe to certain events.

To authenticate the socket client, you always need the user's token, username and password are not enough. The user client can be authenticated by username and password, which yields the token.

Usage example:

import asyncio
import logging
import os

import aiohttp

from aioaudiobookshelf import SessionConfiguration, get_user_client
from aioaudiobookshelf.schema.library import LibraryItemMinifiedBook, LibraryItemMinifiedPodcast

ABS_HOST = os.environ.get("ABS_HOST")
ABS_USER = os.environ.get("ABS_USER")
ABS_PASSWORD = os.environ.get("ABS_PASSWORD")

async def abs_basics():
    assert ABS_HOST is not None
    assert ABS_USER is not None
    assert ABS_PASSWORD is not None

    logger = logging.getLogger()

    async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
        client = await get_user_client(
                session=session, url=ABS_HOST, logger=logger, pagination_items_per_page=30

        # get libraries
        libraries = await client.get_all_libraries()

        # get library items
        for library in libraries:
            async for response in client.get_library_items(library_id=library.id_):
                if not response.results:
                for lib_item_minified in response.results:
                    if isinstance(lib_item_minified, LibraryItemMinifiedPodcast):
                    if isinstance(lib_item_minified, LibraryItemMinifiedBook):

        # get a single podcast
        podcast_id = "dda96167-eaad-4012-83e1-149c6700d3e8"
        podcast_expanded = client.get_library_item_podcast(podcast_id=podcast_id, expanded=True)

Have a look into aioaudiobookshelf/client/*.py to see which endpoints are currently implemented. And the provider implementation shows, how the lib can potentially be used.