This is a key-value datastore API written in Go that can be interacted with using Postman. The API supports the following endpoints:
/set: Sets a key-value pair in the datastore with optional parameters for expiration and conditional operations (NX, XX).
/get: Retrieves the value associated with a given key.
/qpush: Pushes one or more values onto the end of a queue associated with a given key.
/getall: Retrieves all non-expired key-value pairs in the datastore.
Clone the repository and navigate to the project directory.
Run the API using the go run command: go run main.go
Open Postman and import the datastore.postman_collection.json file.
Send requests to the desired endpoint by selecting it from the Postman collection.
Method: POST
Request body format: {"command": "<key> <value> [EX <expiry>] [NX|XX]"} where key is the name of the key, value is the value to be associated with the key, expiry is an optional parameter to specify the time-to-live (TTL) for the key-value pair, and NX or XX are optional parameters to perform a conditional set operation (NX = only set the key if it does not already exist, XX = only set the key if it already exists).
Response body format (successful operation): {"message": "OK"}
Response status codes: 200 (successful operation), 400 (invalid command), 409 (key already exists), 500 (internal server error)
Method: GET
Request URL format: /get?key=<key>
Response body format (successful operation): {"value": "<value>"} where value is the value associated with the key.
Response status codes: 200 (successful operation), 400 (invalid key), 404 (key not found), 500 (internal server error)
Method: POST
Request body format: {"command": "<key> <value1> [<value2> ...]"} where key is the name of the key, and value1, value2, etc. are the values to be pushed onto the queue associated with the key.
Response body format (successful operation): {"message": "OK"}
Response status codes: 200 (successful operation), 400 (invalid command), 500 (internal server error)
Method: GET
Request URL format: /getall
Response body format (successful operation): {"<key>": "<value>", "<key>": "<value>", ...} where <key> is the name of the key and <value> is the value associated with the key.
Response status codes: 200 (successful operation), 500 (internal server error)
/set - POST
"command": "key value"
You can also include optional parameters to set the expiration time and check if the key already exists:
"command": "key value EX 10M NX"
EX: Sets the expiration time. In this example, the key will expire after 10 minutes.
NX: Only sets the value if the key does not exist.
/get - GET
To get the value of a specific key:
/qpush - POST
"key": "key",
"values": ["value1", "value2", "value3"]
/getall - GET
To get all key-value pairs:
To get all key-value pairs that have not expired: