- Spring Ai: A Spring Framework build for AI Engineering - GitHub Link
- Kit-Clj: Lightweight, modular framework for scalable web development in Clojure - GitHub Link
- Declarative Optional: JavaScript library to write concise functional code - NPM Link
- Sunburst Radar Chart: Angular component to draw sunburst charts - NPM Link
- Declarative x: Java library to handle exceptions in a functional way - GitHub Link
- Functional-streams: Python alternative to Java Streams API - PyPI Link
- ChatGPT Context Companion: An innovative browser extension providing AI-generated responses to user-defined prompts, enhancing browsing experience - link
- chatgpt-context-companion-vscode: A VS Code extension that utilizes Open AI technology to make coding faster, smarter, and more efficient by providing AI-generated responses to customized prompts - link
- PresentMarkdownNow: A tool to transform Markdown files into live presentations in your browser - link
- Spring AI for Organization:
- Building a Full-Stack Reactive Web Application: Comprehensive guide on developing a full-stack reactive web application, published by Oreilly -
- Creating an Online Booking System Using Spring Boot and ReactJS: A practical project guide on building an online booking system using Spring Boot and ReactJS, published by Manning -