RainDance is a Discord bot that forecasts the weather for the next hour at a set time interval.
This was primarily written to keep track of PoGo weather changes, but may have other uses.
- rd!start latitude,longitude
- latitude and longitude of the location you wish to track
- rd!stop
- stop bot from running
- rd!commands
- display available commands
Create a RainDance app in your Discord Apps.
Client ID is located under APP DETAILS panel
https://discordapp.com/oauth2/authorize?&client_id=<CLIENT ID>&scope=bot&permissions=0
In main/resources add application.conf
"discord": {
"token": <discord-bot-token>
In main/resources add accuweather.conf
"accuweather": {
"apikey": <api-key>
From IDE, run:
- App/Docker support to run outside IDE
- Forecast runs on the :45 and not on the hour
- State persistence after shutdown/restart
- Weather change alert when weather changes from a previous state
- Ability to make this a public bot
- Probably not possible due to the fact that heavily used API keys are not free