Simple wrapper for soap client which enables it to connect to the Exact entity services via the soap interface.
import * as soap from "ts-exact-soap-client";
import axios from "axios";
const soapConfig: soap.Config = {
soapHost: "",
dbHost: "SERVER_NAME\\host_name",
dbName: "database_name",
domain: "domain_name",
password: "password",
userId: "username"
try {
// Depending on the mode, the correct WSDL file is loaded.
const client = await soap.createClient("single", soapConfig);
// Send order line
const linePropertyData: soap.InputPropertyData[] = [];
linePropertyData.push({name: "ItemCode", value: "product-sku"});
linePropertyData.push({name: "Quantity", value: 10});
// Use transaction key when creating an entity, add this key to all the following requests.
const transactionKey = await soap.create(client, "SalesOrderLine", linePropertyData);
// Load product
const product = await retrieve(client, "Item", [{name: "ItemCode", value: "itemcode"}]);
} catch (err) {
// Extract errors from Entity services response
if (axios.isAxiosError(err) && err.response) {
if (err.response.status === 401) {
// Access denied.
if ( {
const message = soap.extractErrorMessage(String(;
// Use error message