Visit for more info.
- JDK 1.7
- KLADR API token. You can get it for free here
kladrapi-client is distributed using, thus it is necessary to add jitpack repository to your pom.xml or setting.xml file.
Javadoc can be found here.
import com.mvpotter.kladrapi.KladrApiClient;
// If you have free access plan you have to use appropriate URL:
final KladrApiClient freeApiClient = new KladrApiClient(KladrApiClient.FREE_URL, "{ your API token }");
// The short form of the client above
final KladrApiClient anotherFreeApiClient = new KladrApiClient("{ your API token }");
// If you have paid plan, URL is different and client should be created the following way
final KladrApiClient paidApiClient = new KladrApiClient(KladrApiClient.PAID_URL, "{ your API token }");
import com.mvpotter.kladrapi.response.Response;
final Response response =;
Every API request object implements com.mvpotter.kladrapi.request.Request
which have single method Map<String, String> toMap()
that returns all request specific parameters as a map.
Thus, if the client does not have request type for your specific needs you can always implement it yourself.
Of course, contributions are always welcome.
new BuildingRequest("{ street id }", "10");
new CityRequest("Мос");
new DistrinctRequest("Ступинск");
new OneStringRequest("Ленин");
new RegionRequest("Московск");
new StreetRequest("{ cityId }", "Ленин")
new ZipRequest("119027")
new RequestWithTypeCode(new CityRequest("Бутынь"), TypeCode.VILLAGE)
new RequestWithParent(new CityRequest("Бутынь"))
new RequestWithLimit(new CityRequest("Моск"), { limit }, [{ offset }])
new RequestWithRegionId(new OneStringRequest("Моск"), { regionId })
new RequestWithDistrictId(new OneStringRequest("Моск"), { districtId })
new RequestWithCityId(new OneStringRequest("Ленина"), { cityId })