The most efficient and most beautiful mac setup.
To run all the features of Sketchybar you need to install the following dependencies:
- yabai
- jq (
brew install jq
) - This shortcut
- SF Pro
- Nerd Fonts
Use this sketchybar configuration by running the following commands:
git clone &&
cp -r dotfiles/sketchybar ~/.config/sketchybar
You also need to make create an API Key for the OpenWeatherMap API. After that you
need to edit the file in the sketchybar folder. You need to replace
with your own API Key. You can also customize the spaces and app sorting in
The Apple Icon in the top right corner of the screen has popup with the options to open the activity monitor, update homebrew,
lock the screeen, open system preferences, restart, and to shut down the computer.
You can get my yabai configuration by running the following commands:
git clone &&
cp -r dotfiles/yabai ~/.config/yabai
You can get my skhd configuration by running the following commands:
git clone &&
cp -r dotfiles/skhd ~/.config/skhd
For the browser I use Shinafox:
For Spotify I use Spicetify: