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Mathias Witte Paz edited this page Aug 24, 2020 · 4 revisions


Evidente is a local web-application that provides an interface for interactive visual analysis through the simultaneous exploration to facilitate the identification of correlations. Besides visualizing the phylogenetic tree, Evidenteshows the distribution of the SNPs among the individuals and their clades and encodes their clade-specificity. Furthermore, additional metadata on the analyzed individuals can be included in the visualization.


  • npm
  • NodeJS
  • Java Distribution

Installing dependencies

To install all the necessary modules please run the following command npm clean-install

Running the app

npm run evidente

Evidente uses the ports 3000 and 3001. Please make sure they are available to run the app

Input files

Newick file

Contains a phylogenetic tree, usually reconstructed using single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) as a base. To avoid parsing problems, the characters allowed for the labels are letters (a-z, A-Z), numbers (0-9), underscores (_) and hyphens (-).

SNP table

A summary of all VCF files for the given samples in TSV format. It should follow the structure shown below:

Screenshot of SNP table

Metadata table (Optional)

A CSV or TSV file with the metadata information encoded in the columns and each row represents one sample. The first column should be named Information. The second row should be named Type and indicate the type of each metadata. We include the following types: Numerical, Ordinal and Categorical.

An example of such a table can be seen here:

Screenshot of the Metadata table