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Releases: mxmCherry/openrtb

Use openrtb2.Video for native1/request.Video

03 Sep 12:51
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Changes since v16.0.0:

  • now native1/request.Video is a type alias to openrtb2.Video (#53 , see #52 for explanation, but shortly - the native1/request.Video is just a very stripped down openrtb2.Video)

This is released as new major version, but upgrading to this version from v16 is expected not to be noticeable at all. Pay attention / make deliberate choice to upgrade if you do native/video auctions.

OpenRTB 2.6

27 Aug 09:40
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Changes since v15.0.1:

  • OpenRTB 2.6 + LOTS of related fixes/adapting (#48, #49)

Shortly - generated JSON should not change, but Go API changed a lot. Basically, upgrade and then fix everything that Go complains about.

Upgrade notes (if you have anything to add - please, open an issue)

#47 (comment)

OpenRTB 2.6 removes nearly all enumerated lists in favor of the enumerations in adcom1/openrtb3, which in turn were based on OpenRTB 2.5. In v16 of this library, this is represented with a removal of openrtb2 enums and replaced with adcom1/openrtb3 enums. I put together this chart to assist with upgrading.

v15 v16
openrtb2.AdPosition adcom1.PlacementPosition
openrtb2.APIFramework adcom1.APIFramework
openrtb2.CompanionType adcom1.CompanionType
openrtb2.ConnectionType adcom1.ConnectionType
openrtb2.ContentContext adcom1.ContentContext
openrtb2.ContentDeliveryMethod adcom1.DeliveryMethod
openrtb2.CreativeAttribute adcom1.CreativeAttribute
openrtb2.DeviceType adcom1.DeviceType
openrtb2.ExpandableDirection adcom1.ExpandableDirection
openrtb2.FeedType adcom1.FeedType
openrtb2.IPLocationService adcom1.IPLocationService
openrtb2.IQGMediaRating adcom1.MediaRating
openrtb2.LocationType adcom1.LocationType
openrtb2.NoBidReasonCode openrtb3.NoBidReason
openrtb2.PlaybackCessationMode adcom1.PlaybackCessationMode
openrtb2.PlaybackMethod adcom1.PlaybackMethod
openrtb2.ProductionQuality adcom1.ProductionQuality
openrtb2.Protocol adcom1.MediaCreativeSubtype
openrtb2.StartDelay adcom1.StartDelay
openrtb2.VideoLinearity adcom1.LinearityMode
openrtb2.VideoPlacementType adcom1.VideoPlacementSubtype
openrtb2.VolumeNormalizationMode adcom1.VolumeNormalizationMode

Require Go 1.13+ + test with Github Actions

28 Apr 18:08
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Changes since v15.0.0:

  • library requires Go 1.11+ (first Go version to handle versioned paths), test/matcher lib requires Go 1.13+ for errors.Is -> library is tested with Go 1.13+ (that's effective from v14, just now it is stated in README and reflected in Go version matrix for testing)
  • switched from Travis CI to Github Actions (purely internal thing)

Basically this is a housekeeping/info release, no code changes.

Native Response - pointer Asset.ID

12 Apr 16:35
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Changes since v14.0.0:

  • native1/response.Asset.ID is now pointer (#45, thanks @rokostik )
  • corresponding helper/shortcut native1/response.Int64Ptr added

Fix go module

01 Mar 13:14
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Changes since v13.0.1:

  • fix go module - on v2+ module name should include version #41

Init go.mod

08 Jul 18:07
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Changes since v13.0.0:

  • initialised go.mod

Changed native EventTrackingMethod and EventType type to int64

08 Jul 18:04
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Changes since v12.0.0:

  • native1.EventTrackingMethod and native1.EventType type changed from int8 to int64 to hold exchange-specific values >= 500 (#39 , thanks @zachbadgett )

OpenRTB 3.0, AdCOM 1.0

30 Dec 12:09
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Changes since v11.0.0:

OpenRTB 2.x migration hint:

  • mass-replace library imports from "" to openrtb ""

Device.{DNT,Lmt} made pointers

12 Oct 19:40
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Changes since v10.0.0:

  • Device.{DNT,Lmt} fields made pointers: #27 (thanks @evgenigourvitch )
  • minor: guides improvements: #28 , #29
  • minor: travis builds are now done only for Go 1.8.x (oldest supported version) and 1.x (latest version): #30

Native 1.2, RawJSON -> json.RawMessage, Go 1.8+

03 Mar 08:16
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Changes since v9.2.0:

  • OpenRTB Dynamic Native Ads API Specification Version 1.2 implemented (#21)
  • Native enums (Native 1.2/1.1 section 7 Reference Lists/Enumerations + OpenRTB 2.5 section 5.8 Protocols) moved from native/request.* and native/response.* to top-level native.* (#21)
  • switched from custom RawJSON to json.RawMessage (#24)
    WARNING: Switching to json.RawMessage means, that Ext fields will work properly only with Go 1.8+ (older Go versions marshal non-pointer json.RawMessage to base64-encoded string)

Native 1.1 -> 1.2 migration is "back-compatible": fields/enums, that were deprecated/removed in Native 1.2, are kept in this lib (at least till Native 1.3), so this lib still can be used for Native 1.1 integrations.