Filesystem access for React Native. Supports saving network requests directly to the filesystem.
npm install react-native-file-access
import { Dirs, FileSystem } from 'react-native-file-access';
// ...
const text = await FileSystem.readFile(Dirs.CacheDir + '/test.txt');
(Android only)Dirs.DocumentDir
(iOS only)Dirs.MainBundleDir
FileSystem.appendFile(path: string, data: string): Promise<void>
- Append content to a file.
FileSystem.concatFiles(source: string, target: string): Promise<number>
- Append a file to another file. Returns number of bytes written.
FileSystem.cp(source: string, target: string): Promise<void>
- Copy a file.
FileSystem.cpAsset(asset: string, target: string): Promise<void>
- Copy a bundled asset file.
FileSystem.df(): Promise<{ internal_free: number, internal_total: number, external_free?: number, external_total?: number }>
- Check device available space.
FileSystem.exists(path: string): Promise<boolean>
- Check if a path exists.
FilesSystem.fetch(resource: string, init: { body?: string, headers?: { [key: string]: string }, method?: string, path?: string }): Promise<FetchResult>
type FetchResult = {
headers: { [key: string]: string };
ok: boolean;
redirected: boolean;
status: number;
statusText: string;
url: string;
- Save a network request to a file.
FilesSystem.hash(path: string, algorithm: 'MD5' | 'SHA-1' | 'SHA-224' | 'SHA-256' | 'SHA-384' | 'SHA-512'): Promise<string>
- Hash the file content.
FilesSystem.isDir(path: string): Promise<boolean>
- Check if a path is a directory. string): Promise<string[]>
- List files in a directory.
FileSystem.mkdir(path: string): Promise<void>
- Make a new directory. string, target: string): Promise<void>
- Move a file.
FileSystem.readFile(path: string): Promise<string>
- Read the content of a file.
FileSystem.stat(path: string): Promise<FileStat>
type FileStat = {
filename: string;
lastModified: number;
path: string;
size: number;
type: 'directory' | 'file';
- Read file metadata.
FileSystem.unlink(path: string): Promise<void>
- Delete a file.
FileSystem.writeFile(path: string, data: string): Promise<void>
- Write content to a file.
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