is a client to register and upload next-generation
sequencing data (NGS) to a MyTardis data management server.
It runs on Linux and currently supports runs from Illumina HiSeq, NextSeq and MiSeq instruments.
- A MyTardis server with the mytardis-seqfac app installed and configured
- (Optional) FastQC
Python dependencies are installed from requirements.txt
Create a Python virtualenv:
pip install virtualenv
virtualenv ~/.virtualenvs/mytardis_ngs_ingestor
source ~/.virtualenvs/mytardis_ngs_ingestor/bin/activate
Install Python dependencies:
pip install -U pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
While not recommended, the package can alternatively be installed system-wide via:
sudo python install
and the script invoked using illumina_uploader
The program will look for a configuration file named uploader_config.yaml
in the current working directory.
The path to the configuration file can be specified using the --config
commandline option.
There is an annotated example configuration file uploader_config_example.yaml
Copy this to uploader_config.yaml
and edit it with your site requirements.
All configuration options can be overridden with a corresponding
commandline option (eg, fastqc_bin: /usr/local/bin/fastqc
in the
config file becomes --fastqc-bin=/usr/local/bin/fastqc
To ingest a run:
If the package is installed:
illumina_uploader --path=/mnt/bigdisk/160915_FHT451_0119_AC6AMWACXZ/ \
where {run_path}/{run_id}.bcl2fastq
is the path where the bcl2fastq
(fastq.gz files in project/sample directories) is located.
In this example, {run_path}
is /mnt/bigdisk/160915_FHT451_0119_AC6AMWACXZ/
and {run_id}
is 160915_FHT451_0119_AC6AMWACXZ
does not run bcl2fastq
automatically. It is a
assumed that the run has already been demultiplexed.
script can be used to demultiplex (bcl2fastq) and do run
QC (eg fastqc), as well as trigger ingestion into MyTardis. It is intended to
be executed by a cron job every few minutes to process any completed sequencing
runs as they appear.
If the package is installed:
illumina_autoprocess --config autoprocess_config.toml --runs /data/sequencing_runs
Each task in the autoprocessing pipeline creates a file <run_dir>/tasks/<task_name>
This file is JSON and contains the status, (eg running, complete, error) and
sometimes the stdout/stderr from a wrapped tool (eg bcl2fastq stderr messages).
Autoprocessing will ignore any run folders containing the file tasks/ignore
You can create this for existing processed runs by running something like:
cd /data/illumina/ # base directory for runs
for d in $(ls -d */); do mkdir -p ${d}tasks/; touch ${d}tasks/ignore; done
If any task fails for any run, the autoprocessing pipeline will not continue to
other steps. To retry after fixing the problem remove the corresponding
file. For example, if ingestion failed due to
the server being inaccessible, remove <run_dir>/tasks/mytardis_upload
. Alternatively,
the --retry
flag can be used to retry the last failed task.
Once autoprocessing has completed successfully for a run, the <run_dir>/tasks/all_complete
file is created. If a single step needs to be re-run after successful completion (eg bcl2fastq
you must remove the all_complete
file and the required <task_name>
See autoprocessing_config_example.toml
- copy this to autoprocessing_config.toml
to get started.
The autoprocessing pipeline uses a default config file which can be overriden with a run-specific config in the run directory.
The default autoprocessing_config.toml
can be specified with
--config autoprocessing_config.toml
. If there is an autoprocessing_config.toml
file in the run directory, this config is used instead. If there is no
file in the run directory, one is created from a copy
of the default file (this aids reproducability - in the case the default config file
is modified, the run will still have record of the config used at the time of
Commandline options (eg --run-storage-base
) override the equivalent setting in
top level of any config file.
If the file logging_config.toml
exists in the current working directory it
will be used to configure logging.
A log configuration file can be specified with the --logging-config
commandline options.
See logging_config_example.toml
as an example. The settings here are serialized
from TOML format and used as a Python logging dictConfig.
When a run is ingested, two types of Experiment are produced - a single Run Experiment and one or more Project Experiments.
The Run Experiment represents the whole run and should be only accessible to Facility Managers.
The Project Experiments correspond to distinct projects produced after demultiplexing (eg the 'SampleProjects' in SampleSheet.csv). These contain a subset of the data from the entire run and are shared with end-users by the Facilty Manager. A Project Experiment is also created for the reads where a barcode could not be assigned.
Datasets are created containing:
- FASTQ files
- FastQC reports
In addition, the Run Experiment contains a Dataset for configuration and log files that the facility may wish to preserve (currently only SampleSheet.csv).
'Raw' .bcl files are not ingested.
Here is a quick overview of how the project is structured.
Instances of the mytardis_uploader.MyTardisUploader
class handle
(most) REST requests to the MyTardis server.
also contains basic config and commandline parsing functions. There is no
domain-specific code related NGS runs in
The ingestor script
adds additional
config/commandline options and instatiates MyTardisUploader instances
(one per MyTardis StorageBox) for making REST requests. It handles
parsing of metadata from Illumina sequencing runs and registering/uploading
files to MyTardis in a structure suitable of multiplexed runs from
multi-user facilities.
data structures for holding run metadata and can serialize themselves to
JSON for use by MyTardisUploader
is due for a refactor - run specific parsing
functions should be split out into their own library, and logic around
different filenaming and directoty structures (eg bcl2fastq v1.8.4 vs.
2.17) should be abstracted behind an API to simplify some of the
conditionals in
The ingestor and autoprocessing tools can be run without installation - use this Python module syntax to run them.
python -m mytardis_uploader.illumina_uploader --path=/mnt/bigdisk/160915_FHT451_0119_AC6AMWACXZ/ \
python -m mytardis_ngs_ingestor.autoprocess --runs /data/sequencing_runs