Custom training NER model with spacy library and annotaded dataset in JSON
The goal of this project is to create model that can annotate custom entities in text like various cryptocurrency names and prices.
It can be trained to recognize also other abstractions like people names, organizations and many others.
To train and use model prepare dataset like one attached in data.json file. You can use browser tool for this purpose.
Dataset was prepared based on To prepare tagged dataset run steps below:
go to link below and run described steps:
# install doccano
pip install doccano
# Initialize database.
doccano init
# Create a super user.
doccano createuser --username admin --password pass
# Start a web server.
doccano webserver --port 8000
# Start the task queue to handle file upload/download (separate console session).
doccano task
Open doccano in browser using
Mark "Sequence Labeling" Add some project name and description Check options: "Allow single label" and "Randomize document order"
From left menu choose option "Dataset" and Actions/Import Dataset. In "File format" select "TextLine" Upload file bitcoin_tweets_text_lines.txt Click "Import" and wait until file is imported
From left menu choose option "Label". Add labels as below, by clicking Actions/Create Label:
- Cryptocurrency name
- Cryptocurrency rate
- Organisation
- Emoticon
- Date
On left sidebar click "Start Annotation" and tag all texts by marking each meaningful phrase that belongs to one of created categories.
From left menu choose option "Dataset" Actions/Export Dataset. In "File format" select "JSONL" Unzip created file and copy .jsonl file into project dir.
To use training set from previous part (Label data) you need to change jsonl file into json.
You can achieve it by adding comma in all lines except last one and wrap everything in square braces, see samples.json as example.
See bitcoin_tweets_annotated.jsonl
To train model open doccano-spacy.ipynb in jupyter lab and run all cells. Replace samples.json with bitcoin_tweets_text_lines.json to train model on prepared dataset. Replace also labels with ones used for annotation.
To run isolated environment with packages install conda:
To setup environment run commands:
conda create -n ner_model_training_spacy python=3.10
conda activate ner_model_training_spacy
pip install -r requirements.txt
Start jupyter notebook:
jupyter notebook
Now you can code with traing NER model in notebook doccano-spacy.ipynb
To deactivate conda environment run:
conda deactivate
During training evaluation metrics like loss and F1 score are captured to mlflow