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Moberries challenge


  • docker
  • docker-compose

How to set up and run

# creates docker image for backendserver (if does not exist already) and run database migrations
docker-compose run backendserver bootstrap

# Spins up backend server (and other services)
docker-compose up -d

# Creates a superuser, which you can use later to have access to django-admin dashboard
docker-compose run --entrypoint="" backendserver python createsuperuser

# Finally to remove containers (and related volumes)
docker-compose down -v

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Relationships between models

The relationships between the models are as follows:

  1. PizzaSize and PizzaFlavour models:

    • These models represent the sizes and flavors of pizzas, respectively.
    • There is a one-to-many relationship between Pizza and each of these models, as each pizza has a specific size and flavor.
  2. Pizza model:

    • This model represents a pizza and its attributes.
  3. PizzaOrderItem model:

    • This model represents an item (pizza) in a pizza order.
    • It has a many-to-one relationship with the Pizza model, as each order item corresponds to a specific pizza.
    • It also has a many-to-one relationship with the PizzaOrderBasket model, as each order item belongs to a specific order basket.
  4. Customer model:

    • This model represents a customer who places pizza orders.
    • It is referenced by the PizzaOrderBasket model through a foreign key field (customer), indicating that each order basket belongs to a specific customer.
  5. PizzaOrderBasket model:

    • This model represents a basket or container for pizza orders.
    • It has a many-to-one relationship with the Customer model, as each order basket belongs to a specific customer.
    • It also has a many-to-many relationship with the Pizza model through the PizzaOrderItem model, indicating that a basket can contain multiple pizzas and each pizza can be present in multiple baskets.
  6. OrderResult model:

    • This model represents the result or status of a pizza order.
    • It has a one-to-one relationship with the PizzaOrderBasket model, as each order result corresponds to a specific order basket.

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