Before cloning my repository we have to follow below instructions.
For installing ROS please refer this
For installing ROSPlan framework follow this link: and follow documentation in this link:
For installing ROSBRIDGE refer this link:
For installing ROSLIBPY package please this link:
Clone this repository and follow steps below steps for using my work.
The Domain and Problem .pddl files to /home/rosplan/Nagesh/src/rosplan/rosplan_demos. These files define the domain and problem in PDDL language.
Make directory here called "Roslib_node" and find those files to /home/rosplan/python-environments/Roslib_node which make service calls to other nodes in ROSPlan framwork.
We are using "logistics.launch" at a time. Copy this ROSPlan workspace.
Next open a terminal and change directory to the ROSPlan workspace and source the terminal using "source devel/setup.bash"command, and then build the project using the command using "catkin build".
Next open other terminal to initiate ROSBRIDGE by the help of this command "roslaunch rosbridge_server rosbridge_websocket.launch.
Place "" in the directory of "/home/rosplan/python-environments/Roslib_node" from ROSPlan framework. This file calls and executes ROSPlan framework within the ROSPlan