Steps To Establish Project :
Step 1: Create Folder and open in code editor and type following command on terminal
git clone
Step 2 :
cd stock-prediction-bot
- Create Virtual environment then install dependancies
pip install -r requirements.txt
Step 3 :
file which have deta_key=your_deta_key
Then copy the path of
file and give it toload_env(copied_path_to_env)
Now we have to follow below command to create model for stocks in sqlite database.
python makemigrations
python migrate
cd Stb_Project
python shell
- After Shell Open follow the command one by one :
In [1]: from stb.db import save_stocks_to_database,fetch_stocks_dec
In [2]: stocks=fetch_stocks_dec()
In [3]: save_stocks_to_database(stocks)
In [4]: exit()
Step 4:Create superUser (fill all the details after running command ) to see database
or you can run the website
python createsuperuser
Finally run the website:
python runserver
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