- Open the Project in Visual Studio.
- Run the Database Migration, placed in BikeRental.Repository project.
- After database migrations you can set BikeRental as StartUp Project and run the project
- This will execute the Web view of the Swagger OpenAPI
- First Login using Manager or User by the given credentials below.
- Use the Bearer Token generated after the login to get the access of the other api enpoints.
- Click on the Authorize Button on the top of the page and enter the Bearer Token.
- API's are restricted according to their access level. eg. Manager cannot access the API's which are only for the Users. and vice versa.
The requirements for the test project are: Write an application to manage bike rentals:
- The application must be React-based. -- only backend
- Include at least 2 user roles: Manager and User
- Users must be able to create an account and log in.
- Each bike will have the following information in the profile: Model, Color, Location, Rating, and a checkbox indicating if the bike is available for rental or not.
Managers can:
- Create, Read, Edit, and Delete Bikes.
- Create, Read, Edit, and Delete Users and Managers.
- See all the users who reserved a bike, and the period of time they did it.
- See all the bikes reserved by a user and the period of time they did it.
Users can:
- See a list of all available bikes for some specific dates.
- Filter by model, color, location, or rate averages.
- Reserve a bike for a specific period of time.
- Rate the bikes with a score of 1 to 5.
- Cancel a reservation.
- Manager :
- Username: admin
- Password: admin123
- User :
- Username: user1 | user2 | user3
- Password: user123
- Login: /api/Login
- SignUp: /api/SignUp
Bikes Management:
- Get List of all Bikes to show in grid. - GET - /api/Bike
- Get Bike by ID to show in edit page. - GET - /api/Bike/GetById
- Add Bike. - POST - /api/Bike
- Update Bike. - PUT - /api/Bike
- Delete Bike (soft delete). - DELETE - /api/Bike
Users Management (Users and Managers):
- Get List of all user to show in grid. - GET - /api/User
- Get user by ID to show in edit page. - GET - /api/User/GetById
- Add user. - POST - /api/User
- Update user. - PUT - /api/User
- Delete user (soft delete). - DELETE - /api/User
Reservation Report
- By Users:
- Get all the users who reserved a bike, and the period of time they did it. - GET - /api/Reservation/UserReport
- By Bikes:
- Get all the bikes reserved by a user and the period of time they did it. - GET - /api/Reservation/BikeReport
- By Users:
- Reservation:
- Reserve a bike for a specific period of time. - POST - /api/Reservation/ReserveBike
- Cancel a reservation. - POST - /api/Reservation/Cancel
- Get List of Bike Reservation for logged in user. - GET - /api/Reservation/GetForUser
- Bike:
- See a list of all available bikes for some specific dates.. - POST - /api/Bikes/AvailableBikes
- Filter by model, color, location, or rate averages. - POST - /api/Bike/Search
- Rate the bikes with a score of 1 to 5. - POST - /api/Bike/Rating
##Technology and Architechture .Net 6 Web API Clean architecture and SOLID principals are implemented on this application, so application can be designed with very low coupling, separation of concerns and it will be independent of technical implementation details, such as databases and frameworks. That way, the application becomes easy to maintain and flexible to change. It also becomes intrinsically testable
Benefits of this kind of architecture:
1- Immediate implementation You can implement it with any webforms, mcv, core or other applications
2- Focus on the domain of the application This means that the primary focus of the project is placed on the core and logic of the domain.
3- Possibility of changes This architecture allows important changes to the application, without major impacts:
- You could change the framework used if necessary, since everything is decoupled.
- You could also change the database you use or add another if you need it.
4- Expected test You have the opportunity to test quickly and easily.
5- Optimal results You will create a solid, quality and scalable product.