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- Add module to fix WRAM save issue
- Formally verified
fjpolo committed Nov 8, 2024
1 parent 21e96d5 commit 102f9b2
Showing 5 changed files with 304 additions and 6 deletions.
7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion src/.gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -6,4 +6,9 @@ wishbone_slave_cvr/

7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion src/iosys/iosys.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -112,7 +112,9 @@ module iosys #(
// System Type
output wire [1:0] o_sys_type,
// Aspect Ratio
output wire o_reg_aspect_ratio
output wire o_reg_aspect_ratio,
// reg_load_bsram
output wire o_reg_load_bsram

/* verilator lint_off PINMISSING */
@@ -601,6 +603,9 @@ end

assign o_reg_aspect_ratio = reg_aspect_ratio;

// reg_load_bsram
assign o_reg_load_bsram = reg_load_bsram;

// Timer Interrupts
reg [31:0] reg_timer_interrupts;
initial reg_timer_interrupts <= 32'h0;
21 changes: 17 additions & 4 deletions src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -299,8 +299,8 @@ always @(posedge clk) begin
mapper_flags <= loader_flags;

// From sdram_nes.v or sdram_sim.v
sdram_nes sdram (
// sdram_arbiter
sdram_nes sdram_arbiter (
.clk(fclk), .clkref(clkref), .resetn(sys_resetn), .busy(sdram_busy),

.SDRAM_DQ(IO_sdram_dq), .SDRAM_A(O_sdram_addr), .SDRAM_BA(O_sdram_ba),
@@ -318,7 +318,17 @@ sdram_nes sdram (

// IOSys risc-v softcore
.rv_addr({rv_addr[20:2], rv_word}), .rv_din(rv_word ? rv_wdata[31:16] : rv_wdata[15:0]),
.rv_ds(rv_ds), .rv_dout(rv_dout), .rv_req(rv_req), .rv_req_ack(rv_req_ack), .rv_we(rv_wstrb != 0)
.rv_ds(rv_ds), .rv_dout(rv_dout), .rv_req(rv_req), .rv_req_ack(rv_req_ack), .rv_we(rv_wstrb != 0),



// ROM parser
@@ -466,6 +476,7 @@ always @(posedge clk) begin // RV
reg NES_enhanced_APU;
reg [7:0] NES_mapper;
wire wram_load_bsram;
iosys #(.COLOR_LOGO(15'b01100_00000_01000), .CORE_ID(1) ) // purple nestang logo
iosys (
.clk(clk), .hclk(hclk), .resetn(sys_resetn),
@@ -513,7 +524,9 @@ iosys #(.COLOR_LOGO(15'b01100_00000_01000), .CORE_ID(1) ) // purple nestang

// Aspect Ratio
// reg_load_bsram

// Controller input
27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions src/sdram_arbiter.sby
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@

bound: mode bmc
bound: depth 128
prf: mode prove
prf: depth 8
cvr: mode cover
cvr: depth 64
cvr: append 20

bound: smtbmc
prf: smtbmc yices
cvr: smtbmc

read_verilog -formal sdram_arbiter.v
prep -top sdram_arbiter

248 changes: 248 additions & 0 deletions src/sdram_arbiter.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
/* SDRAM arbiter
/* @fjpolo, 2024.11
/* Problem: NES CPU and RV need to access a shared memory space: WRAM, with the current mapping:
/* - NES CPU: 16'h6000-16'h8000
/* - RV: 22'h66000-22'h68000 mapped to (22'h66000>1'b1)-(22'h58000>1'b1) in this module
/* This is a quick and dirty solution where a 8kB of BSRAM are used as a shared memory space for any access to this address region.
/* sdram_nes module is not modified nor verified here.
/* These are the properties that need to be formally proved:
/* - For any write operation, SDRAM is used for all regions
/* - For read operations, SDRAM is used for all regions but WRAM
/* - At any write to WRAM, CPU has priority over RV unless wram_load_ongoing is true (reg_load_bsram @0x020001A0 is true)
/* - CPU and RV cannot write BSRAM at the same time
/* - If the address is inside WRAM region, either CPU or RV has priority
/* - A write to a region outside WRAM has no effect on WRAM BSRAM
/* Some assumptions:
/* - rv_req_ack comes from sdram_nes module, we only replace wv_dout
`default_nettype none

module sdram_arbiter(
`ifndef FORMAL
// Clock frequency, max 66.7Mhz with current set of T_xx/CAS parameters.
parameter FREQ = 64_800_000,

parameter [4:0] CAS = 4'd2, // 2/3 cycles, set in mode register
parameter [4:0] T_WR = 4'd2, // 2 cycles, write recovery
parameter [4:0] T_MRD= 4'd2, // 2 cycles, mode register set
parameter [4:0] T_RP = 4'd2, // 15ns, precharge to active
parameter [4:0] T_RCD= 4'd2, // 15ns, active to r/w
parameter [4:0] T_RC = 4'd6 // 63ns, ref/active to ref/active
inout reg [SDRAM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] SDRAM_DQ, // 16 bit bidirectional data bus
output wire [SDRAM_ROW_WIDTH-1:0] SDRAM_A, // 13 bit multiplexed address bus
output reg [SDRAM_DATA_WIDTH/8-1:0] SDRAM_DQM, // two byte masks
output reg [1:0] SDRAM_BA, // two banks
output wire SDRAM_nCS, // a single chip select
output wire SDRAM_nWE, // write enable
output wire SDRAM_nRAS, // row address select
output wire SDRAM_nCAS, // columns address select
output wire SDRAM_CKE,
`endif// !FORMAL

// cpu/chipset interface
input wire clk, // sdram clock
input wire resetn,
input wire clkref,
output reg busy,

input wire [21:0] addrA, // 4MB, bank 0/1
input wire weA, // ppu requests write
input wire [7:0] dinA, // data input from cpu
input wire oeA, // ppu requests data
output reg [7:0] doutA, // data output to cpu

input wire [21:0] addrB, // 4MB, bank 0/1
input wire weB, // cpu requests write
input wire [7:0] dinB, // data input from ppu
input wire oeB, // cpu requests data
output reg [7:0] doutB, // data output to ppu

// RISC-V softcore
input wire [22:0] rv_addr, // 2MB RV memory space, bank 2
input wire rv_word,
input wire [15:0] rv_din, // 16-bit accesses
input wire [1:0] rv_ds,
output reg [15:0] rv_dout,
input wire rv_req,
output reg rv_req_ack, // ready for new requests. read data available on NEXT mclk
input wire rv_we,

input wire loading,
input wire [21:0] loader_addr_mem,
input wire [21:0] memory_addr_cpu,
input wire loader_write_mem,
input wire memory_write_cpu,

input wire i_wram_load_ongoing

`ifdef FORMAL
reg [7:0] wram_bsram[0:(8*1024)];
(* ram_style = "block" *) reg [7:0] wram_bsram[0:(8*1024)];
wire cpu_address_is_wram = ((addrB >= 'h6000)&&(addrB <= 'h8000));
wire cpu_we_is_wram = ((weB)&&(cpu_address_is_wram));
wire cpu_re_is_wram = ((oeB)&&(cpu_address_is_wram));
wire cpu_req_is_wram = ((cpu_we_is_wram)||(cpu_re_is_wram))&&(cpu_address_is_wram);
wire rv_address_is_wram = ((rv_addr >= 'h66000)&&(rv_addr <= 'h68000));
wire rv_we_is_wram = ((rv_we)&&(rv_address_is_wram));
wire rv_re_is_wram = ((!rv_we)&&(rv_address_is_wram));
wire rv_req_is_wram = ((rv_we_is_wram)||(rv_re_is_wram))&&(rv_req)&&(rv_address_is_wram);
wire address_is_wram = ((cpu_address_is_wram)|(rv_we_is_wram));
wire we_is_wram = ((cpu_we_is_wram)|(rv_we_is_wram));
wire re_is_wram = ((cpu_re_is_wram)|(rv_re_is_wram));
wire req_is_wram = ((cpu_req_is_wram)|(rv_req_is_wram));
wire [7:0] wram_din = cpu_we_is_wram ? dinB : ((rv_req_is_wram)&&(rv_we_is_wram)) ? rv_din[7:0] : 8'h0;
reg [7:0] r_wram_dout;
wire [15:0] wram_address = (((cpu_we_is_wram)||(cpu_re_is_wram))&&(!i_wram_load_ongoing)) ? addrB : ((rv_req_is_wram)&&((rv_we_is_wram)||(rv_re_is_wram))) ? rv_addr[15:0]: 'h0;
wire [15:0] wram_bsram_index = wram_address - 15'h6000;

// Write
always @(posedge clk) begin
wram_bsram[wram_bsram_index] <= wram_din;

// Read
always @(posedge clk) begin
r_wram_dout <= wram_bsram[wram_bsram_index];

// Output
assign doutB = ((cpu_req_is_wram)&&(cpu_re_is_wram)) ? r_wram_dout : r_sdram_nes_cpu_dout;
assign rv_dout = ((rv_req_is_wram)&&(rv_re_is_wram)) ? {8'h0, r_wram_dout} : r_sdram_nes_rv_dout;

// sdram_nes
reg [15:0] r_sdram_nes_rv_dout;
reg [7:0] r_sdram_nes_cpu_dout;
`ifndef FORMAL
// From sdram_nes.v or sdram_sim.v
sdram_nes sdram (
.clk(fclk), .clkref(clkref), .resetn(sys_resetn), .busy(sdram_busy),

.SDRAM_DQ(IO_sdram_dq), .SDRAM_A(O_sdram_addr), .SDRAM_BA(O_sdram_ba),
.SDRAM_nCS(O_sdram_cs_n), .SDRAM_nWE(O_sdram_wen_n), .SDRAM_nRAS(O_sdram_ras_n),
.SDRAM_nCAS(O_sdram_cas_n), .SDRAM_CKE(O_sdram_cke), .SDRAM_DQM(O_sdram_dqm),

// PPU
.addrA(memory_addr_ppu), .weA(memory_write_ppu), .dinA(memory_dout_ppu),
.oeA(memory_read_ppu), .doutA(memory_din_ppu),

// CPU
.addrB(loading ? loader_addr_mem : memory_addr_cpu), .weB(loader_write_mem || memory_write_cpu),
.dinB(loading ? loader_write_data_mem : memory_dout_cpu),
.oeB(~loading & memory_read_cpu), .doutB(r_sdram_nes_cpu_dout),

// IOSys risc-v softcore
.rv_addr({rv_addr[20:2], rv_word}), .rv_din(rv_word ? rv_wdata[31:16] : rv_wdata[15:0]),
.rv_ds(rv_ds), .rv_dout(r_sdram_nes_rv_dout), .rv_req(rv_req), .rv_req_ack(rv_req_ack), .rv_we(rv_wstrb != 0)
`endif // FORMAL

// Formal methods
`ifdef FORMAL
// f_past_valid
reg f_past_valid;
initial f_past_valid = 1'b0;
initial assert(!f_past_valid);
always @(posedge clk)
f_past_valid = 1'b1;

// BMC Assumptions
always @(posedge clk)

// BMC Assertions

// Cover

// Contract

// For any write operation, SDRAM is used for all regions

// For read operations, SDRAM is used for all regions but WRAM
(* anyconst *) reg [15:0] f_wram_bsram_addr;
(* anyconst *) reg [7:0] f_sram_bsram_data_cpu;
(* anyconst *) reg [16:0] f_sram_bsram_data_rv;
always @(posedge clk)
if((f_wram_bsram_addr <= 'h6000)&&(f_wram_bsram_addr >= 'h8000))
always @(*)
assume(dinB <= f_sram_bsram_data_cpu);
always @(*)
assume(rv_din <= f_sram_bsram_data_rv);
// At any write to WRAM, CPU has priority over RV unless wram_load_ongoing is true (reg_load_bsram @0x020001A0 is true)
// CPU and RV cannot write BSRAM at the same time
// If the address is inside WRAM region, either CPU or RV has priority
always @(posedge clk)
if((req_is_wram)&&(address_is_wram)&&(we_is_wram)) begin
assert(wram_din == dinB);
assert(wram_din == rv_din[7:0]);
// A write to a region outside WRAM has no effect on WRAM BSRAM
always @(posedge clk)
if((f_wram_bsram_addr <= 'h6000)&&(f_wram_bsram_addr >= 'h8000))

// Prove Write->Read
reg [7:0] f_const_value;
wire [15:0] f_wram_bsram_index = f_wram_bsram_addr - 15'h6000;
always @(posedge clk)
f_const_value <= wram_bsram[f_wram_bsram_addr];
else if((f_past_valid)&&(!$past(f_past_valid)&&(resetn)&&($past(resetn))))begin
assert(wram_bsram[$past(wram_bsram_index)] == $past(wram_din));
if((req_is_wram)&&(re_is_wram)) begin
assert(doutB == $past(wram_bsram[$past(wram_bsram_index)]));
assert(rv_dout == $past({8'h0, wram_bsram[$past(wram_bsram_index)]}));


// Induction

// Induction assumptions

// Induction assertions

`endif // FORMAL


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