This code is a sample program for streaming OpenGL API on Hololens2.
We modified microsoft/MixedReality-HolographicRemoting-Samples. microsoft/MixedReality-HolographicRemoting-Samples to enable OpenGL.
1- Open the .sln file.
2- On first use, right-click the solution and select Restore NuGet Packages.
Debug Propeties -> Configuration poperities -> Debugging -> command Arguments -> <Hololens2 Ip Address>
./SampleRemoteOpenXr.exe <Hololens2 Ip Address.>
The below Windows show the rendered scene from Both OpenGL and Hololens2
The user can manipulate the triangle with translation, rotation, and scaling.
Right hand -> translation.
Left hand-> rotation.
Both hands -> scaling.
Close your thumbs and your index finger to start the interaction. Follow the hand gesture in the following image:
If you use our code in a research project leading to a publication, please cite it using the following BibTex entry
author = {Shorouq Altamimi, Ruwayda Alharbi, Ondrej Strnad, Ivan Viola},
title = {OpenGL Holographic Remoting},
howpublished = {\url{}},
year = {2021} }