DATE: 21/08/2022
- Platform: Minecraft, Java Edition
- Programming language: Java 17
- Minecraft version: 1.18.2
- API: Spigot
- Author: Dimqnd (Dimqnd#4844)
- Todo list link: [removed in deprecation]
- Anduril ~ Iron sword that provides resistance and speed while holding
- Dragon Sword ~ A sword with a base damage of 8 (rather than 7)
- Exodus ~ A diamond helmet that provides a heart of generation when you deal damage
- Golden Head ~ A player head with buffed effects
- Hermes' Boots ~ Diamond boots that provide a 10% movement increase to the wearer
- Hide of Leviathan ~ Protection 4 diamond pants
- Philosophers Pickaxe ~ A diamond pickaxe with two uses and fortune 2
- Player Head ~ An item dropped from dead players that will provide regeneration and speed when right clicked
- Quick Pick ~ An efficiency iron pickaxe
- Tarnhelm ~ A protection diamond helment
- Vorpal Sword - A looting iron sword