This document outlines the data structures and algorithms I've learned, organized by folder structure.
- 003 cheatsheet.pdf - Big O notation reference sheet.
- 007 BigO-cheat-sheet-1.pdf - Alternative Big O reference guide.
- MindMap.png - Visual mind map for Big O concepts.
- factorialRecursion.js - Recursive function to calculate factorial.
- factorialRecursionFromCourse.js - Course example for factorial using recursion.
- fibonacciIterativeRecursive.js - Fibonacci sequence using iterative and recursive methods.
- fibonacciIterativeRecursiveCourse.js - Course example of Fibonacci sequence.
- fibonacciMemoized.js - Memoized Fibonacci for optimized recursive calls.
- BFSvsDFS-answers.js - Comparison between Breadth-First Search (BFS) and Depth-First Search (DFS).
- SortingInterviewQuestions.js - Common sorting algorithm interview questions.
- bubbleSort.js - Implementation of Bubble Sort algorithm.
- insertionSortCourse.js - Course example of Insertion Sort.
- mergeSortCourse.js - Course example of Merge Sort.
- selectionSort.js - Implementation of Selection Sort algorithm.
- selectionSortCourse.js - Course example of Selection Sort.
- graphUnweightedUndirectedAcyclic.js - Unweighted, undirected, acyclic graph implementation.
- binarySearchTree.js - Basic Binary Search Tree implementation.
- binarySearchTreeBreadthFirstSearchCourse.js - Course example of BFS in a Binary Search Tree.
- binarySearchTreeDepthFirstSearchCourse.js - Course example of DFS in a Binary Search Tree.
- binarySearchTreeFromCourse.js - General Binary Search Tree example from course.
- doublyLinkedList.js - Doubly Linked List implementation.
- linkedList.js - Basic Linked List implementation.
- linkedListFromCourse.js - Course example of Linked List.
- queue.js - Basic Queue data structure.
- queueWithStack.js - Queue implementation using two stacks.
- stackLinkedList.js - Stack implemented using Linked List.
- stackedArray.js - Stack implemented using an array.
- IBMCodingAssessment.js - Solutions to IBM coding assessment questions.
- mergeTwoSortedLinkedLists.js - Merges two sorted linked lists.
- mergeTwoSortedLinkedListsLeetCode.js - LeetCode version of merging two sorted linked lists.
- reverseLinkedList.js - Reverses a linked list.
- moveZeroes.js - Moves all zeroes in an array to the end.
- singleNumber.js - Finds the single unique number in an array.
- allPairs.js - Finds all pairs of numbers that add up to a target.
- compareTwoArrays.js - Compares two arrays for equality.
- findNemo.js - Searches for "Nemo" in an array.
- firstRecurringCharacter.js - Finds the first recurring character in a sequence.
- hasPairWithSum.js - Checks if there’s a pair with a given sum.
- hashTable.js - Basic hash table implementation.
- mergeSortedArray.js - Merges two sorted arrays.
- myArray.js - Custom array class with basic functionalities.
- reverseString.js - Reverses a given string.
- allPairs.js - Finds all pairs of numbers that add up to a target.
- compareTwoArrays.js - Compares two arrays for equality.
- findNemo.js - Searches for "Nemo" in an array.
- firstRecurringCharacter.js - Finds the first recurring character in a sequence.
- hasPairWithSum.js - Checks if there’s a pair with a given sum.
- hashTable.js - Basic hash table implementation.
- mergeSortedArray.js - Merges two sorted arrays.
- myArray.js - Custom array class with basic functionalities.
- reverseString.js - Reverses a given string.
- moveZero.js - Moves all zeroes in an array to the end.
- - Python script for word decoding.
- - First approach to word decoding.
- - Second approach to word decoding.