This module was created to learn Ruby and contains some functional with which you can play. Cinema emulates the behavior of two types of cinemas: Netflix (online theater) and Theatre (movie house).
You can create netflix from file. Sample you find in root folder of module. This file contains info about top 250 movies from IMDb.
require 'cinema'
netflix ='movies.txt')
Before choosing which movie to watch, you need to pay.
After payment, the money will go to your personal account and you will be able to use them later.
An easy way to choose movies is to provide a hash of values to match to show
: 'Drama', period: :modern)
# Now showing: The Godfather: Part II 13:27 - 16:47
You can also specify filter by block: { |movie| !movie.title.include?('Terminator') && movie.genre.include?('Action') && movie.year > 2003 }
# Now showing: The Avengers 13:28 - 15:51
And create and use your own filters:
# specify your filter
netflix.define_filter(:sci_fi) { |movie| movie.genre.include?('Sci-Fi') && != 'UK' }
# and use true)
# use with other filters true, director: 'Christopher Nolan')
Easy to use, but what happens if you want specify params to your filter?
netflix.define_filter(:new_sci_fi) { |movie, year| movie.year > year && movie.genre.include?('Sci-Fi') && != 'UK' } 2010)
Cinema will understand you)) Moreover, you can create filters based on existing ones!
# use filter created in last example
netflix.define_filter(:newest_sci_fi, arg: 2014, from: :new_sci_fi) true)
The prices for films depend on the selected period. We have 4 periods:
- ancient (filmed before 1945) - 1$
- classic (filmed between 1945 and 1967) - 1.5$
- modern (filmed between 1967 and 1999) - 3$
- new (filmed after 1999) - 5$
Sometimes money ends... Method show
tell if you "Need more money".
But you can always ask netflix how_much?
costs movie
puts netflix.how_much?('The Terminator')
# 3.00
Also need file with movies to be created. Sample you find in root folder of module.
theatre ='movies.txt')
Good news - you don't need to pay! Theatre shows different films according to his schedule. You need only choose time.'13:30')
# You bought a ticket for Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, costs 5.00 USD
# Now showing: Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade 13:55 - 16:02
You can ask theatre 'when?' some will be shown.
puts theatre.when?('American History X')
# From 17:00 to 23:00
Theatre provide you to set custom schedule rules by DSL.'movies.txt') do
hall :red, title: 'Red hall', places: 100
hall :blue, title: 'Blue hall', places: 50
hall :green, title: 'Green hall (deluxe)', places: 12
period '09:00'..'11:00' do
description 'Morning'
filters genre: 'Comedy', year: 1900..1980
price 10
hall :red, :blue
period '11:00'..'16:00' do
description 'Special'
title 'The Terminator'
price 50
hall :green
period '16:00'..'20:00' do
description 'Evening'
filters genre: ['Action', 'Drama'], year:
price 20
hall :red, :blue
period '19:00'..'22:00' do
description 'Night show for fanats'
filters year: 1900..1945, exclude_country: 'USA'
price 30
hall :green