Template for running Chicken Scheme microservices.
The template supports the following environment variables, from the modules mu-chicken-support
and sparql-query
: SPARQL read endpoint URL. Default: http://database:8890/sparql in Docker, and http://localhost:8890/sparql outside Docker. Can be accessed and overridden using the dynamic parameter(*sparql-endpoint*)
: SPARQL update endpoint. Same defaults as preceding. Can be accessed and overridden using the dynamic parameter(*sparql-update-endpoint*)
: configuration of the graph in the triple store the microservice will work in. The graph name can be accessed via the(*default-graph*)
dynamic parameter. Defaults to'<http://mu.semte.ch/application>
: the port to run the application on, defaults to 80.SWANK_PORT
: port for running the swank server, defaults to 4005.MESSAGE_LOGGING
: turns logging on or off.PRINT_SPARQL_QUERIES
: when "true", print all SPARQL queries.DEBUG
: when "true", runs interpreted code
Put your application in a file "app.scm", and define REST endpoints with define-rest-call
as described below:
(define sync-call
(conc "DELETE { "
" GRAPH <http://example.com/application> { "
" ?s ?p ?o "
" } "
"} "
"INSERT { ?s ?p ?newo } "
"WHERE { "
" ?s a ~A. "
" BIND(IF(DATATYPE(?o)=<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string>, STR(?o), ?o) AS ?newo) "
'((success . "ok"))))
(define-rest-call 'POST '("sync" realm-id) sync-call)
Add a Dockerfile:
FROM semtech/mu-chicken-template
MAINTAINER Nathaniel Rudavsky-Brody <[email protected]>
Any Chicken modules ("eggs") listed in requirements.txt will be installed with chicken-install
. (This file is optional but should not be empty.)
Finally, add this to your docker-compose.yml:
version: "2"
build: ./myapp
- "4028:80"
- "4005:4005"
MU_DEFAULT_GRAPH: "http://example.com/application"
DEBUG: "true"
- /path/to/source:/app # for easy DEBUG reloading
In the docker-compose file above, port 4005 connects to the Swank server.
You can use the Chicken slime
module (github and chicken) to establish a client connection from Emacs, but it takes some tweaking to use only the client side of this module. A simpler solution is just to do M-x slime-connect
and ignore error messages about incompatible types between Lisp and Scheme.
The template makes available by default the following Chicken modules:
- spiffy: web server library, used for defining the REST handlers described below below. See also spiffy-request-vars for accessing request paramaters, and http-client and intarweb for lower-level control over http requests.
- medea: JSON parsing and writing. When performance is important, the faster cjson is also used for parsing large JSON objects.
- matchable: pattern matching
The experimental module s-sparql for parsing and transforming SPARQL queries is available but not loaded by default.
Test if we're inside Docker:
(feature? 'docker)
Generate a uuid:
;; => "5509b40b-0e0e-468e-b87a-2768b51e24ea"
Message logging, using format strings:
(log-message "Error: ~A~%" error-msg)
There are also utility functions for creating JSON-API and JSON-LD objects.
REST calls are functions of one parameter (an alist representing path variable bindings) and must return a Scheme representation of a JSON object parseable by medea. They can be defined directly, or using the rest-call
macro, and are registered with define-rest-call
(define (name-call bindings)
`((message . ,(conc "Hello, " (alist-ref 'name bindings)))))
(define-rest-call 'GET '("person" name) name-call)
(define bye-call
(rest-call (name)
`((message . ,(conc "Goodbye, " name)))))
(define-rest-call 'DELETE ('"person" name) bye-call)
Use the mu-headers
dynamic parameter to send custom headers:
(define bye
(rest-call (name)
(mu-headers '((custom-header "header value")))
`((message . ,(conc "Goodbye, " name))))))
The request body can be parsed as a string or JSON object using read-request-body
and read-request-json
, and headers accessed using header
. Request parameters can be accessed using procedures defined by the spiffy-request-vars module. Custom error messages can be sent in JSON-API format using the function send-error
(use spiffy-request-vars)
(define-rest-call 'PATCH '("person" id)
(rest-call (id)
(let (($query (request-vars source: 'query-string))
(body (read-request-json))) ; => '((data . ((type . "person") (attributes . ((name . "John Edwards") ...)))))
(if (or (equal? ($query 'lang) "en")
(equal? (header 'language) "en"))
(update-person id body)
(send-error 400 "Language Error" "Language not specified or not supported.")))))
The provided sparql-query module (part of s-sparql) provides functions for managing namespaces and querying SPARQL endpoints.
Three specific escape functions are provided:
(sparql-escape-string "value")
;; => "\"value\""
(sparql-escape-uri "http://example.org")
;; => "<http://example.org>"
(sparql-escape-boolean #f)
;; => "false"
Additionally, the more general sparql-escape-literal
function can be used to escape typed literals, represented as cons pairs, where <type> can be a symbol or a string:
(sparql-escape-literal '("val" . <type>))
;; => "\"val\"^^<type>"
language-tagged strings, also represented as cons pairs, where @lang can be a symbol or string:
(sparql-escape-literal '("val" . @lang))
;; => "\"val\"@lang"
can also take two arguments, a list of sparql literals and a string to join them:
(sparql-escape-literal '("Cat" "Dog" "Mouse") ", ")
;; => "\"Cat\", \"Dog\", \"Mouse\""
Note that (sparql-escape-boolean "true")
returns "true"
(i.e., it handles string values) but (sparql-escape-value "true")
returns "\"true\""
, i.e., treats "true" as a regular string.
The two main query procedures are sparql-select
and sparql-update
(define-namespace animals "http://example.org/animals")
"SELECT ?s ?food
?s a ~A.
?s ~A ~A.
?s animals:eats ?food.
?s animals:isHungry ~A.
?s animals:lastFed ~A.
?s animals:says ~A.
(sparql-escape-uri "http://schema.org/title")
(sparql-escape-string "Mr Cat")
(sparql-escape-boolean #f)
(sparql-escape-literal '("2017-06-24" . <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime>))
(sparql-escape-literal '("miaow" . @en)))
;; => '(((s . "http://example.org/animals/cat123") (food . "Whiskas"))
;; ((s . "http://example.org/animals/cat003") (food . "Purina One")))
The special form select-with-vars
wraps sparql-select
with a let
binding following the same naming. Its syntax is (select-with-vars (vars ...) (query args ...) body)
(select-with-vars (s food)
("SELECT ?s ?food
?s a ~A.
?s animals:isSpayed ~A.
?s ~A ~A.
?s animals:eats ?food
(sparql-escape-boolean #f)
'<http://schema.org/title> ;; same as (sparql-escape-uri ...)
(sparql-escape-string "Mr Cat"))
`((cat . ((id . ,cat) (attributes . ,(conc "Likes " food))))))
;; => '(((cat . ((id . "http://example.org/animals/cat123") (attributes . "Likes Whiskas"))))
;; ((cat . ((id . "http://example.org/animals/cat003") (attributes . "Likes Purina One")))))
In the above examples, JSON results are preprocessed by the function defined by the parameter query-unpacker. The default unpacker, as shown above, returns a list of association lists with bindings var/val pairs:
;; (*query-unpacker* sparql-bindings) - default
(sparql-select query)
;; => '(((var1 . "string value") (var2 . 123)
;; (var3 . "http://example.org/uri") (var4 . "2017-08-01")) ...)
Another unpacker, typed-sparql-bindings
is defined to parse RDF datatypes to the s-sparql
(*query-unpacker* typed-sparql-bindings)
(sparql-select query)
;; => '(((var1 . "str-val")
;; (var2 . 123)
;; (var3 . <http://example.org/uri>)
;; (var4 . ("2017-08-01" . <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime>))) ...)
To recover the unprocessed RDF JSON, we can also set *query-unpacker*
to string->json
for the Scheme representation of JSON, or values
for the raw string:
(*query-unpacker* string->json)
(sparql-select query)
;; => '(((var1 . ((value "str-val") (type . "literal")))
;; (var2 . ((value . "123") (type . "typed-literal") (datatype . "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#integer")))
;; (var3 . ((value . "http://example.org/uri") (type . "uri")))
;; (var4 . ((value . "2017-08-01") (type . "typed-literal") (datatype . "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime")))) ...)
(*query-unpacker* values)
(sparql-select query)
;; => "[ {\"var1\": { \"value\": ...} } ...]"