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Parsing and transforming SPARQL as Scheme s-expressions

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An experimental Chicken Scheme module for parsing and transforming SPARQL 1.1 queries as s-expressions.


Requires Chicken Scheme 4.12 ( Clone this repo and run sudo chicken-install in the main directory. Then add to your Scheme code:

(use s-sparql) 

Parsing and Writing

The s-sparql parser implements the complete SPARQL 1.1 EBNF grammar, with the optional addition of annotations (see below).

The procedure parse-query parses a string into s-expression, and the procedure write-sparql writes the s-expression back to a string.

Note that the parser always parses triples as nested lists, so ?s ?p ?o is parsed as '(?s ((?p (?o)))) which is equivalent to '(?s ?p ?o).

(parse-query "
PREFIX schema: <>
Prefix dc: <>

  ?s ?p ?o, ?t;
     dc:title \"Mr Director\".
  ?s a schema:Person

;; => '(@QueryUnit
;;      (@Query
;;       (@Prologue
;;        (PREFIX |schema:| <>)
;;        (PREFIX |dc:| <>))
;;       (SELECT *) 
;;       (@Dataset (FROM <>))
;;       (WHERE
;;        (?s ((?p (?o ?t))
;;             (dc:title "Mr Director"))) 
;;        (?s ((a schema:Person))))))

     (PREFIX |schema:| <>)
     (PREFIX |dc:| <>))
    (SELECT *) 
    (@Dataset (FROM <>))
     (?s ((?p (?o ?t))
          (dc:title "Mr Director"))) 
     (?s a schema:Person)))))

;; => "PREFIX schema: <>
;;     PREFIX dc: <>
;;     SELECT *
;;     FROM <>
;;     WHERE {
;;      ?s ?p ?o, ?t;  dc:title "Mr Director".
;;      ?s a schema:Person.
;;     }"


The SPARQL 1.1 grammar is optionally enriched with annotations of the type @access Label and @access Label(?var), which are parsed as Quad blocks (GraphPatternNotTriples). By default these are not written by write-sparql, unless the parameter *write-annotations?* is set to #t.

Transforming SPARQL

The procedure rewrite-query and low-level rewrite allows for the rule-based transformation of s-sparql expressions, in the spirit of Oleg Kiselyov's sxml. While fully operational, this functionality would benefit from a better separation of concerns, for instance using monads, and is not fully documented here.

Utility rules are provided: rw/copy, rw/remove, rw/quads, rw/graph, rw/union, and rw/subselect.

Briefly, every rule must return two values, the return value (which is combined by a combiner that defaults to append) and the updated bindings. These bindings are passed through the entire tree in depth-first order. A *context* object representing the inverted tree is also provided.

Here is a very simplistic example. For the sake of clarity:

  • triples are assumed to be already expanded using expand-triple
  • the bindings are updated every time, whether or not a new variable has been renamed; in a real application, this could be done in one go with let-values and fold-binding.
(define (rename v bindings)
  (if (sparql-variable? v)
      (or (get-binding v 'renaming bindings)
          (new-sparql-variable "var"))

(define rename-variables-rules
 `( ((@QueryUnit @UpdateUnit @Query @Update CONSTRUCT WHERE DELETE INSERT |DELETE WHERE| |INSERT DATA|) . ,rw/quads)
    ((@Prologue @Dataset @Using) . ,rw/copy)
    (,select? . ,rw/copy)
    ((UNION) . ,rw/union)
     . ,(lambda (block bindings)
          (match block
            ((`GRAPH graph . rest)
              (let-values (((rw new-bindings) (rewrite rest bindings)))
                (let ((new-graph (rename graph bindings)))
	          (values `((GRAPH ,new-graph ,@rw))
                          (update-binding graph new-graph new-bindings))))))))
      . ,(lambda (triple bindings)
           (match triple
             ((s p o)
               (let ((s* (rename s bindings))
                     (p* (rename p bindings))
                     (o* (rename o bindings)))
                (values `((,s* ,p* ,o*))
                        (update-bindings ((s 'renaming s*)
                                          (p 'renaming p*)
                                          (o 'renaming o*))
    (,list? . ,rw/list)
    (,symbol? . ,rw/copy)))

(define q
     (SELECT *) 
      (GRAPH ?g
       (?s a <fish>)
       (?s <eats> ?food))))))

(rewrite-query q rename-variables-rules)

;; => '(@QueryUnit (@Query (SELECT *) (WHERE (GRAPH ?var19527 (?var19525 a <fish>) (?var19525 <eats> ?var19526)))))
;;    '((@bindings (?g . ?var19527)))
;;    ; 2 values

For a more complex example, see "s-sparql-writer.scm", which defines a customized version of rewrite.

Querying SPARQL Endpoints

The module sparql-query defines basic procedures for querying SPARQL endpoints and parsing the results. It is documented in the mu-chicken-template readme.

s-sparql provides sparql-query and defines the default *query-unpacker* as typed-sparql-bindings, which parses URIs as symbols, typed values as cons-pairs, and numbers as numbers:

(sparql-select query)

;; => '(((var1 . "str-val") 
;;       (var2 . 123)
;;       (var3 . <>)
;;       (var4 . ("2017-08-01" . <>))) ...)



[procedure] (define-namespace prefix namespace)

Define namespaces for querying and expanding. The following namespaces are defined by default:

(define-namespace foaf "")
(define-namespace dc "")
(define-namespace rdf "")
(define-namespace owl "")
(define-namespace skos "")

Writing SPARQL

[parameter] (*expand-namespaces?*)

Defaults to #t.

[procedure] (write-triples triples)

Returns the RDF expression of the given s-sparql expression, which should be a list of triples as defined above.

[procedure] (write-sparql query)

Returns the RDF expression of the given s-sparql expression, which should be a full or partial SPARQL query, but not a triples block.

[procedure] (new-sparql-variable)

[procedure] (new-blank-node #!optional prefix)

[procedure] (sparql-variable string)

[procedure] (expand-namespace nspair)

(expand-namespace 'dc:title) ;; => '<>

[procedure] (write-uri uri)

Parsing SPARQL

[procedure] (parse-query )

Return the s-sparql representation of the given string.

[procedure] (read-uri string)

Convenience functions

Functions for writing queries without using the complete s-sparql format.

[parameter] (*default-graph*)

s-sparql representation of the default graph for queries, e.g., (\*default-graph* '<>). If this is set, a "WITH " is added to s-select, s-insert and s-delete expressions.

[procedure] (s-select vars statements #!key with-graph from-graph from-named-graphs)

vars can be a string ("?s ?p"), a symbol ('?s) or a list ('(?s ?p ?o)).

statements can be an RDF string or an s-sparql triples expression.

[procedure] (s-insert statements #!key with-graph)

[procedure] (s-delete statements #!key insert with-graph from-graph from-named-graphs where

Querying SPARQL Endpoints

[parameter] (*sparql-endpoint*)

Defaults to "".

[parameter] (*print-queries?*) boolean

Defaults to #t.

[parameter] sparql-headers

Additional headers to be included in request to the SPARQL endpoint.

[procedure] (sparql-select query #!rest args)

[procedure] (sparql-select-unique query #!rest args)

query is a format string, with optional args. Returns a list of association lists representing the variable bindings, or in the case of unique, a single alist.

(sparql-select "SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }")

;; => '(((s . "s1") (p . "p1"))
;;      ((s . "s2") (p . "p2")))

(sparql-select-unique "SELECT * WHERE { ?s a ~A }" '<>)

;; => '((s . <>))

[procedure] (sparql-update query #!rest args)

[procedure] (query-with-vars (vars ...) query form)

[procedure] (query-unique-with-vars (vars ...) query form)

(query-with-vars (s p)
  "SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }"
  (list s p))

;; => '(("s1" "p1") ("s2" "p2"))

(query-unique-with-vars (s p)
  "SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }"
  (list s p))

;; => '("s1" "p1")


[procedure] (expand-triple triple)

[procedure] (rewrite-query query rules)

[procedure] (rewrite block bindings rules)


Parsing and transforming SPARQL as Scheme s-expressions






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