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Repository files navigation

DR2 Custodial Copy

This repository contains three components which together make up the custodial copy service.

The principle of the Custodial Copy approach is described here

1. Custodial Copy backend

This is a service which is intended to run in a long-running Docker container.

Every 10 seconds, it polls the queue specified in the SQS_QUEUE_URL environment variable. This will be set to the queue which receives messages from the entity event generator. For each invocation, it will try to fetch messages from the queue until there are either no more messages, or there are 50 messages.


The queue sends messages in this format:

  "id": "io:1b9555dd-43b7-4681-9b0d-85ebe951ca02",
  "deleted": false

The prefix of the id can be io, co or so depending on the entity type; they are dealt with differently. The "deleted" entry refers to the status on Preservica; the value could be true or false.

Processing incoming messages based on message group ID.

The SQS queue which feeds this process is a FIFO queue. Each message has a UUID as a message group ID. This is the IO UUID for an IO message or the parent of the CO for a CO message.

The process groups by the message group ID. Each group id corresponds to an OCFL object (which may not exist yet)

The messages within each group are deduplicated to prevent repeat processing of the same entity.

All updates for a single group of messages with the same group id are staged in OCFL. This allows us to write multiple changes without creating new versions.

Once all messages are processed, we commit the changes to that OCFL object which writes the version permanently.

Handling Information Object (IO) messages, if entity has not been deleted

  • Create the metadata file name IO_Metadata.xml
  • Get the metadata from the Preservica API
  • Create the destination path for this metadata file {IO_REF}/IO_Metadata.xml
  • Wrap all returned metadata fragments in a <AllMetadata/> tag
  • Calculate the checksum of this metadata string.
  • Use all of this information to create a MetadataObject

Handling non-deleted Content Object (CO) messages, if entity has not been deleted

  • Get the bitstream information (which contains the parent ID) from the Preservica API.
  • Verify that the parent ID is present.
  • Use parent ID to get the URLs of the representations
  • Use URLs to get the COs under each representation
  • Return the representation types ({representationType}_{index}) for a given CO ref
  • If a CO has more than 1 representation type, throw an Exception
  • Create the metadata file name CO_Metadata.xml
  • Get the metadata from the Preservica API
  • Create the destination path for this metadata file {IO_REF}/{REP_TYPE}/{CO_REF}/{FILE_NAME}
  • Use metadata information to create a MetadataObject
  • Create the destination path for the CO file {IO_REF}/{REP_TYPE}/{CO_REF}/{GEN_TYPE}/g{GEN_VERSION}/{FILE_NAME}
  • Use the path and bitstream information to create a FileObject

Handling Information Object (IO) messages, if entity have been deleted

  • Get all the paths to the files that sit underneath this object
  • Delete all the paths
  • Generate a SendSnsMessage object for it

Handling non-deleted Content Object (CO) messages, if entity have been deleted

We are not expected COs to be deleted in Preservica so if one is, an Exception will be thrown.

Handling Structural Object (SO) messages

Whether they are deleted or not, these are ignored as there is nothing in the structural objects we want to store.

Example of the OCFL Structure

├── IO_Metadata.xml
└── <Representation_Type>
    ├── <CO_Ref>
    │   ├── derived
    │   │   ├── g2
    │   │   │   └── 58154e7d-6271-488d-bf78-989d937580d5.pdf
    │   │   └── g3
    │   │       └── 58154e7d-6271-488d-bf78-989d937580d5.pdf
    │   ├── CO_Metadata.xml
    │   └── original
    │       └── g1
    │           └── 58154e7d-6271-488d-bf78-989d937580d5.docx
    └── <CO_Ref>
        ├── CO_Metadata.xml
        └── original
            └── g1
                └── c0c767b7-0eaf-41cc-b941-cabd60e50532.json

Looking up, Creating/Updating files and creating SNS messages

  • Once the list of all MetadataObjects and FileObjects have been generated
  • Check the OCFL repository for an object stored under this IO id.
    • If an object is not found that means no files belong under this IO and therefore, add the metadata object to the list of "missing" files
    • If an object is found:
      • Get the file, using the destination path
        • If the file is missing, add metadata object to the list of "missing" files
        • If the file is found
          • Compare the calculated checksum with the one in the OCFL repository.
            • If they are the same, do nothing.
            • If they are different, add the metadata object to the list of "changed" files
  • Once the list of all "missing" and "changed" files are generated, stream them from Preservica if it is a bitstream to a tmp directory or if it's a metadata update, convert the XML to a String and save it to a tmp directory
    • For "missing" files:
      • Call createObjects on the OCFL repository in order to:
        • insert a new object into the destinationPath provided
        • add a new version to the OCFL repository
    • For "changed" files:
      • Call createObjects on the OCFL repository in order to:
        • overwrite the current file stored at the destinationPath provided
        • add a new version to the OCFL repository
  • Finally, generate a list of SNS messages with information on this update; more information directly below

Sending Status messages to SNS

Once the process completes successfully, a message per OCFL update is sent to SNS with this information, the:

  • entity type
  • ioRef
  • ObjectStatus: Created, Updated or Deleted
  • ObjectType: Bitstream, Metadata, MetadataAndPotentialBitstreams
  • tableItemIdentifier - the reference that can be used to find it in the files table

Deleting Received SQS messages

If the custodial copy process completes successfully, the messages that were received from SQS are then deleted from the SQS queue. If any messages in a batch fail, all messages are left to try again. This avoids having to work out which ones were successful which could be error-prone.

Parallel processing

Each message is processed in parallel, except for writing to the OCFL repository. The OCFL library will throw an exception if you try to write to the same object at the same time so there is a single semaphore to prevent two fibers writing at the same time. All other processes such as fetching the data from Preservica and deleting the SQS messages are processed in parallel. All non-deleted messages are processed (in parallel first) and then deleted ones messages to prevent unwanted behaviour like a deletion of an Information Object and then a CO being created afterward; this scenario could happen if a CO gets added to Preservica (manually or automatically) and then the IO gets deleted within the time window.


This will be hosted on a machine at Kew rather than in the cloud so the only infrastructure resource needed is the repository to store the docker image.

Link to the infrastructure code

Environment Variables

Name Description
PRESERVICA_URL The URL of the Preservica server
PRESERVICA_SECRET_NAME The Secrets Manager secret used to store the API credentials
SQS_QUEUE_URL The queue the service will poll
REPO_DIR The directory for the OCFL repository
WORK_DIR The directory for the OCFL work directory
HTTPS_PROXY An optional proxy. This is needed running in TNA's network but not locally.

2. Frontend database builder

This is a service which listens to an SQS queue. This queue receives a message whenever the main custodial-copy process adds or updates an object in the OCFL repository. Given the IO id, the builder service looks up the metadata from the metadata files in the OCFL repo and stores it in a sqlite database.

Environment Variables

Name Description
QUEUE_URL The URL of the input queue
DATABASE_PATH The path to the sqlite database
SQS_QUEUE_URL The queue the service will poll
OCFL_REPO_DIR The directory for the OCFL repository
OCFL_WORK_DIR The directory for the OCFL work directory
HTTPS_PROXY An optional proxy. This is needed running in TNA's network but not locally.

Running locally.

You will need to create a sqlite3 database and run the following to create the files table:

create table files
    version        int,
    id             text,
    name           text,
    fileId         text,
    zref           text,
    path           text,
    fileName       text,
    ingestDateTime datetime,
    sourceId       text,
    citation       text

This can be run in Intellij by running the class and providing values for each of the environment variables.

It can also be run using sbt run

3. Frontend

This is a webapp which allows a user to search for a file within the sqlite database. If a file is found, the webapp allows the user to download that file by reading it directly from the OCFL repo

Environment Variables

Name Description
DATABASE_PATH The path to the sqlite database

Running locally.

The sqlite database must exist along with the file table.

This can be run in Intellij by running the class and providing values for the database path environment variable.

It can also be run using sbt run

Database re-indexer

This is built as a docker image but is intended to be run periodically. The program takes a subcommand and three mandatory arguments.

reindex --file-type CO --column-name asdasd --xpath //Generation//EffectiveDate

The program runs through these steps:

  • Select a distinct list of ids from the database.
  • For each ID, get the object from OCFL and find either the IO_Metadata.xml or all CO_Metadata.xml files.
  • Run the XPath against the metadata files and get the result. Get the ID from <Ref> field in the metadata XML.
  • For an IO update, write the value to the column name with a given id. For a CO, do this with the fileId


File type

This can either be IO or CO and tells the reindexer whether the value for the database column we're updating is in IO_Metadata.xml or CO_Metadata.xml

Column name

The column in the database to write the value to


An XPath that will return a single value which will be written to the database column. The behaviour if the XPath expression returns more than one value is undefined.

Environment Variables

Name Description
DATABASE_PATH The path to the sqlite database
OCFL_REPO_DIR The directory for the OCFL repository
OCFL_WORK_DIR The directory for the OCFL work directory

Running locally.

You will need to create a sqlite3 database and run the following to create the files table:

create table files
    version        int,
    id             text,
    name           text,
    fileId         text,
    zref           text,
    path           text,
    fileName       text,
    ingestDateTime datetime,
    sourceId       text,
    citation       text

This can be run in Intellij by running the class and providing values for each of the environment variables. You will need to provide the arguments listed above as well.

It can also be run using sbt run


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