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dragon-dxw edited this page Nov 23, 2022 · 5 revisions


FRBR name for a version(?) of a judgment. Different expressions might be versions(?) from the court which have text changes due to typos, etc.

At the moment (Sept 2022) we do not make a meaningful distinction between Work and Expression, but we hope to in the future.


Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records. This is a system for describing how FRBR... tags are found within the XML metadata within the XML documents.

In practice, a Work is the concept of a judgment, an Expression is likely to be a version(?) of a judgment as handed down etc, and a Manifestation typically refers to any of the individual XML representations of the judgment. We typically do not care about the Item, but that would be "copies of the XML in different places".

FRBRdates are dates or date-times associated with important moments in the document's lifecycle (handed-down date, recieved by TRE, XML generated etc.)


Takes the output of TRE (including a parsed XML) and uploads the various files and XML etc into Marklogic and S3.

Rules Engine

Part of the Enrichment process. Has responsibility for identifying entities of interest in the judgment (ie citations, statutes, abbreviations) and marking them up. Crucially, a core part of it's functionality is to resolve malformed case law citations to their canonical forms.


Transfer Digital Records service: the clerk can login and upload file which is exported into an S3 bucket as a BagIT package (a digital archives standard). Creates a checksum and checks the file is a DOCX and extracts some data. Might also be used to refer to the BagIT package it generates


The TRansformation Engine takes a BagIT package and transfers it to Preservation (not yet live) and Access systems that need it. TRE runs the parser and sends a package to the Ingester.


FRBR name for a published entity. Whilst in the broader theory, this could refer to the DOCX vs. PDF vs. XML versions, or versions in English or Welsh, in practise this refers to the XML generation process within TNA.


FRBR name for the concept of a judgment.