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TNA Python Django Search Application

Setting up a local build

Local development is done in Docker.

Before starting a build for the first time

cp .env.example .env

.env hold sensitive values. Please ask on the ds-etna-dev slack channel to get those values.

Build and start the container

docker compose up -d

Add the static assets

During the first time install, your app/static/assets directory will be empty.

As you mount the project directory to the /app volume, the static assets from TNA Frontend installed inside the container will be "overwritten" by your empty directory.

To add back in the static assets, run:

docker compose exec app cp -r /app/node_modules/@nationalarchives/frontend/nationalarchives/assets /app/app/static

Preview application


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Run tests

docker compose exec dev poetry run python test

Format and lint code

docker compose exec dev format

Environment variables

In addition to the base Docker image variables, this application has support for:

Variable Purpose Default
DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE The configuration to use config.settings.production
DEBUG If true, allow debugging False
COOKIE_DOMAIN The domain to save cookie preferences against none
DATABASE_NAME The name of the Postgres database none
DATABASE_USER The username needed to access the Postgres database none
DATABASE_PASSWORD The password needed to access the Postgres database none
DATABASE_HOST The Postgres database host none
DATABASE_PORT The Postgres database port 5432
CSP_IMG_SRC A comma separated list of CSP rules for img-src 'self'
CSP_SCRIPT_SRC A comma separated list of CSP rules for script-src 'self'
CSP_SCRIPT_SRC_ELEM A comma separated list of CSP rules for script-src-elem 'self'
CSP_STYLE_SRC A comma separated list of CSP rules for style-src 'self'
CSP_STYLE_SRC_ELEM A comma separated list of CSP rules for style-src-elem 'self'
CSP_FONT_SRC A comma separated list of CSP rules for font-src 'self'
CSP_CONNECT_SRC A comma separated list of CSP rules for connect-src 'self'
CSP_MEDIA_SRC A comma separated list of CSP rules for media-src 'self'
CSP_WORKER_SRC A comma separated list of CSP rules for worker-src 'self'
CSP_FRAME_SRC A comma separated list of CSP rules for frame-src 'self'
GA4_ID The Google Analytics 4 ID none
ENVIRONMENT_NAME The name of the environment (for reporting purposes) production
SENTRY_DSN The ID of the Sentry client project to catch issues none
SENTRY_SAMPLE_RATE How often to sample traces and profiles (0-1.0) production: 0.1, staging: 0.25, develop: 1, test: 0

See Sentry's official guide for further information on configuring Sentry for Django projects.

.env variables:

Variable Purpose
ROSETTA_CLIENT_BASE_URL Api used to query the data
ROSETTA_CLIENT_KEY Api key to query the data