This To-Do App was designed and built to offer the following rudimentary functionalities:
- The ability to create a Bucket and add ToDos under it.
- The ability to delete/update a Bucket.
- To mark the ToDos as done, and vice versa.
To be able to run the app on your local machine, you'll need the following:
Node/NPM. MySQL Instance.- Clone the app. run npm i inside both the todo-ui and todo-db folder .
- Run npm start from inside fractal-todo.
- Run node app.js from inside todo-db folder.
Without running app.js from within todo-db - you'll not be able to make calls to the DB. A local instance of MySQL is a MUST.
Sure. I'd love to work on it in my lesiure. What features have I in mind? Well, to start with:
- To add multiple ToDos.
- To be able to group multiple ToDos within a bucket.
Yes. I still have to write Unit test cases.