Implementation of Levenshtein Algorithm
Implement a Levenshtein method returning the distance between token 1 and token 2. Implement the algorithm w/o allocating the full matrix, but an optimized version, which allocates only one column at a time.
Use this test-case:
Haus, Maus => 1
Haus, Mausi => 2
Haus, Häuser => 3
Kartoffelsalat, Runkelrüben => 12
Implement a modified version which makes an early exit if the distance exceeds a maximum distance. Return maxDist + 1 in this case.
Use the same test-case (yields different output now):
Haus, Maus, 2 => 1
Haus, Mausi, 2 => 2
Haus, Häuser, 2 => 3
Kartoffelsalat, Runkelrüben, 2 => 3
- Implement a performance measurement on all test-cases and both variants of implementation.