MqDiSh is a distributed shell command execution system that allows you to publish shell tasks to multiple remote workers through a message queue broker. It consists of two main components:
- A producer CLI that publishes shell commands to a message queue
- Worker consumers that execute these commands across distributed nodes
- Distributed command execution across multiple workers
- Support for RabbitMQ as the message broker
- Configurable concurrency and worker distribution
- Support for both single-threaded and multi-threaded task execution
- YAML-based configuration
- Cross-platform support with statically linked binaries
Download the latest pre-built binaries from the releases page.
- Install Rust and Cargo
- Clone the repository
- Build the project:
cargo build --release
MqDiSh looks for configuration in the following locations (in order):
Example configuration:
# credentials can be passed in AMQP connection string
connection: "amqp://user:pass@host:port/vhost?prefetch=4&heartbeat=60&consumer_timeout=300"
# credentials:
# login: "user"
# password: "pass"
type: AMQP
vhost: "/"
prefetch: 4
heartbeat: 60
consumer_timeout: 300000 # consumer timeout in milliseconds
requeue: false # whether to requeue message after execution error, otherwise it will be dropped
topic: "mqdish" # topic to subscribe to, also used to dispatch commands if --topic is not specified
concurrency: 4 # number of commands to execute concurrently on each worker
Producer reqads STDIN and treats each line as a command to be executed by the consumer. Producer exits once STDIN is closed. This way you can dispatch batch of commands to the consumer in one line. In more advanced way you can produce one command which will then be turned into batch on the consumer side.
mqdish --help
Distributes tasks as shell commands to be executed on multiple remote workers. It receives command to execute from stdin and publishes it to the chosen message broker
Usage: mqdish [OPTIONS]
-t, --topic <TOPIC>
-s, --shell <SHELL>
-m, --exclusive <EXCLUSIVE> [possible values: true, false]
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
-t, --topic <TOPIC>
- topic to publish commands to, if not specified, the topic from the configuration file will be used-s, --shell <SHELL>
- shell to use for command execution, if not specified, the shell from the configuration file will be used-m, --exclusive <EXCLUSIVE>
- whether to run this command exclusively on the worker. When this flag is set to true, the worker will only receive next commands after the current one is finished as if consumer concurrency was set to 1.
Consumer does not have any options or arguments and configured only by the configuration file.
# Start a worker
# The worker will automatically:
# - Connect to the configured message broker
# - Subscribe to the configured topic
# - Execute received commands
# - Handle concurrency based on configuration
For the docker image of the worker refer to it's repository here
Consumer either hangs or returns the following message?
mqdish-consumer --help
thread 'main' panicked at src/bin/
AMQP driver init failed: ConnectionFailure("err: IO error: connection aborted")
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace
Check if you connect with amqp://...
connection string to TSL secured broker.
In such case you need to use amqps://...
connection string.