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How to add support for a new model

nbigaouette edited this page Oct 16, 2010 · 3 revisions

How to add support for a new model

If you want support for newer model, please do the following. Note that a command starting with "#" means it should be run as root, and starting with "$" means run as normal user.

I'm quite short on time, but putting all this on GitHub's issue page will allow me to keep track of wanted model. Don't send me an email: they will be forgotten after a single day ;)

Part 1: Mininum thing to do

  1. Open an issue on the issue page: I can track which model needs support.
  2. Take a high resolution (or find one) of the keyboard and post it on the issue page you opened.
  3. Post the output of the following command:
# dmidecode -s system-product-name

Part 2a: For the lazy

  1. Do the "Part 1: Mininum thing to do" steps
  2. For each key combination of your keyboard, post, on the issue page, the output of:
$ acpi_listen

and what key combination generated every event. For example:

Part 2b: For the motivated

  1. Do the "Part 1: Mininum thing to do" steps
  2. Find a similar model that is already supported;
  3. Copy it's configuration file, located in /etc/acpi/eeepc/models/ to a new file with the model name changed;
  4. Try every key and note which ones don't work;
  5. For every key that does not work, run:
$ acpi_listen

and paste the output of each key push and the acpi_listen's output on the issue page you opened.