React Simple Widgets
is a collection of composable, customizable widgets to help accelerate your React app development. These widgets perform commonly needed tasks within your app such as dialogs, flash messages, lists and more.
To find out if this library is right for you, we've compiled the Storybook samples of all widgets in this library. Click here to test them out to seem if this library offers what you want before installing it in your project.
React Simple Widgets
is currently maintained solely by the owner and will always be free and open-source. However, if you find this library helpful to your projects and would like to support the development, you can do so via my Patreon account.
The funds would be used to get an active team of developers on the project and speed up updates. You are not obligated to this, but every support goes a long way to help bring you enterprise-grade tools and services.
If you love the library, consider leaving a star on the project page on Github.
To upgrade from version 4.x.x to 5.0.0, use this migration guide.
Install the latest version of React Simple Widgets
by running the following command:
yarn add --dev react-simple-widgets
React Simple Widgets
requires a few peer dependencies you must also have installed in your project. These are React, React DOM, React Router DOM and Formik. Install these by running the following command:
yarn add --dev react react-dom react-router-dom formik
React Simple Widgets
also depends on Bootstrap 5.1.1+ for base styling and Font Awesome 5.14.0+ for font icons. These must be included in the index.html
of your project.
Here's a summary of the widgets in React Simple Widgets
DialogProvider - Provides an easy-to-use dialog framework within your app. Dialogs are rendered over the rest of the app
LocalStorageProvider - Provides a reactive wrapper for the local storage API and syncs changes to its state with the browser's local storage
FlashProvider - Provides a flash message framework built on top of the DialogProvider framework
FilePicker - A file pickerwidget which also supports drag-and-drop
DatePicker - A date picker widget which allows selection of a single date in
format -
MultiDatePicker - A date picker widget which allows selection of multiple dates in
format -
MonthDatePicker - A date picker widget which allows selection of a single month in
format -
TimePicker - A 12-hour time picker widget which allows selection of a single time in
CustomField - A widget that allows custom components to be integrated with a Formik form
FieldDecoration - A widget that provides input decoration for its child
TextField - A simple string (
) form widget -
TextAreaField - A simple text (
) form widget -
TextEditorField - A WYSIWYG editor form field build on top of the Quill rich text editor
PasswordField - A simple password (
<input type="password"/>
) form widget -
DropdownField - A simple drop down (
) form widget -
CheckboxField - A simple checkbox (
<input type="checkbox"/>
) form widget -
SelectField - A select widget that allows a single selection from a list of options
MultiSelectField - A select widget that allows multiple selections from a list of options
FileField - A form widget for the uploading files built on top of FilePicker
DateField - A form widget for selecting a single date built on top of DatePicker
MultiDateField - A form widget for selecting multiple dates built on top of MultiDatePicker
MonthDateField - A form widget for selecting a single date built on top of MonthDatePicker
TimeField - A form widget for selecting a single time built on top of TimePicker
PopupMenu - A widget that revals a popup menu when a trigger element is clicked
TableView - A widget that displays a list of items in a responsive tabular form
Pagination - A widget which displays pagination navigation for a list of items. This is commonly used with TableView
ObjectView - A widget that renders an object's data in a tabular form
Loader - A widget that displays a rotating spinner icon to indicate some busy process
BusyButton - A button widget that displays a loading indicator when its
attribute istrue
ConfirmButton - A widget which displays a confirmation dialog for an action to be performed
Breadcrumbs - A breadcrumb style navigation widget
ActionBar - A widget that displays a row of spaced buttons or nothing if no children are specified
GrowableItemsContainer - A widget that provides a load-more mechanism for a growing list of items
useQueryParams - A hook that returns a object containing the URL search string parameters
useCountdown - A hook which provides numeric countdown functionality
useWindowBreakpoints - A hook which provides the window width category data according to Bootstrap's breakpoints
useGrowableList - A hook which manages the state of growing list. Used with GrowableItemsContainer to provide a load-more mechanism for a growing list
- debounce - Calls a function after a specified delay after a caller has stopped calling it
The colors used by the widgets are controlled by CSS variables and you can customize them to suit your application's theme
CSS variable | Description | Default value |
--rsw-label-color |
Controls the label color of field decorator | #777777 |
--rsw-error-color |
Controls the error color of components indicating errors | #ff5555 |
--rsw-primary-color |
Controls the primary color used by all widgets | #402897 |
--rsw-primary-color-light |
Controls the lighter shade of the primary color | #40289722 |
--rsw-secondary-color |
Controls the secondary color used by all widgets | #b3b3b3 |
--rsw-transition-duration |
Controls the duration of transitions used by all widgets | 0.15s |
The following variables are widget specific
CSS variable | Description | Default value |
--rsw-flash-view-error-theme-color |
Controls the theme color of error flash message dialogs created by the FlashProvider widget | #ff5555 |
--rsw-flash-view-warning-theme-color |
Controls the theme color of warning flash message dialogs created by the FlashProvider widget | #ffdd55 |
--rsw-flash-view-info-theme-color |
Controls the theme color of information flash message dialogs created by the FlashProvider widget | #55ddff |
--rsw-flash-view-success-theme-color |
Controls the theme color of success flash message dialogs created by the FlashProvider widget | #6cd924 |
--rsw-popup-menu-scrim-bg-color |
Controls the background color of the scrim that appears when a PopupMenu is revealed | #00000004 |
This library is built with Storybook and each widget has its own set of stories demonstrating use cases of the widget. When executed, Storybook will open a web page containing all the stories for you to interact with.
To execute the storybook, follow these steps:
- Clone the project from Github
- Run
yarn install
to install the project dependencies - Run
yarn storybook