A Soundcloud Server that can stream your SoundCloud Library from your Raspberry Pi
- Set up a working web server with mysql and php. I decided to run a server through DigitalOcean, running Ubuntu and LAMP
- Upload "Server" files onto the server
- Create a new SoundCloud application and specify the Redirect URL (which will be the location of callback.html)
- Set up a new mySQL database on your server. The database should be called "songs", with a table called "songs"
- Run the following MySQL command once the database has been created: "CREATE TABLE songs (id INT(6) UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, trackid INT (6) NOT NULL, title VARCHAR(60) NOT NULL, artwork_url VARCHAR (200), duration INT (10));
- Go to the location of index.html on your server, click through the login scenario, and then click on the button to load your songs into SoundCloud
- Install the following on your Raspberry Pi device:
- python, gstreamer, soundcloud, mysql
- you might need to run the command "pip install requests[security]"
- you may also need to run the command "pip install soundcloud"
- Update all occurences of host, user, pass, your client id, your callback URL, and clientid to reflect the appropriate information
- Run the Python script on the Pi and enjoy
- Remove SoundCloud references in Python by adding url to database instead
- Replace command line interface with a simple GUI
- Display artwork on GUI
- Consider the possibility of ditching the web server and hosting all content locally on Raspberry Pi
- Implement some sort of remote system using and iPhone or Android
- Allow two-way song movement (next and previous). Perhaps use a two-way linked list
- Bluetooth
- IR
- Port listening
- Node.js or some other type of live server mechanism