This repository contains all the code used under the scope of the PhD Thesis:
"Unraveling the role of il-4 in the maturation and function of the cerebellar circuit: Implications for neuropsychiatric diseases" by Pedro Ferreira
All code was written by Pedro Ferreira (Work in Progress)
Repository includes the following:
- Bonsai Workflow - Motor behavior quantification
- Bonsai Workflow - Time spent in ROI quantification
- Python - Running Wheel data extraction and quantification - GUI
- Python - dLight data quantification (multiple) (TBD)
- ImageJ Macro - Convex hull from Imaris Surface
- ImageJ Macro - Count cells with Find Maxima
- R - General Additive Mixed Models for Sholl Analysis
- R - Binomial Generalized Linear Mixed Model
- R - Linear Mixed Models
If you use or adapt any of this work, please cite both this repository and:
Guedes and Ferreira et al., 2023, Neuron 111, 3435–3449, November 1, 2023