A collection of platform integrations to allow Qt/QML interfaces to commonly used iOS functionality.
Android support is planned but currently not started/implemented. If you are interested in developing for Android, please create a pull request and we can start building a universal library of Qt mobile components.
Platform (iOS-specific)
- setStatusBarStyle
- networkActivityIndicator
- applicationIconBadgeNumber
- application lifecycle notifications / signals
- applicationDidBecomeActive
- applicationWillResignActive
- applicationDidEnterBackground
- applicationWillEnterForeground
- applicationDidFinishLaunching
- applicationDidReceiveMemoryWarning
- applicationWillTerminate
- vibrate
ImagePicker – UIImagePickerController support
ImagePicker { // openPicker() - open camera roll image picker // openCamera() - open camera onImagePathChanged: { // The user-selected imagePath // Images are stored in the documents directory _Image.source = imagePath; } }
Ad - iAd view support
Ad { Component.onCompleted: display() }
Mailer - MFMailComposeViewController support
Mailer { Component.onCompleted: { open("Subject Line", ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"], "Body of the email") } }
QML component loading to use any modal (visual) component you must expose the component as a Window
QQmlEngine engine; QQmlComponent component(&engine); component.loadUrl(QUrl("qrc:/main.qml")); QObject* comp = component.create(); QQuickWindow* window = qobject_cast<QQuickWindow*>(comp); window->show();