generated from ellisonleao/nvim-plugin-template
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William Mathewson edited this page Nov 7, 2022
2 revisions
This colour scheme is a port of sainnhe/everforest. Please see the original repo for further info and extra themes.
- Agit.vim
- Barbar
- BufferLine
- Buftabline
- Coc.nvim
- Dashboard
- EasyMotion
- Fern
- Git Gutter
- Git Signs
- Hop
- Incline.nvim
- Indent Blankline
- Indent Guides
- LSP Diagnostics
- LSP Saga
- LSP Trouble
- Leap
- Lualine
- Mini
- NERDTree
- Neo-tree.nvim
- Neo-tree
- Neogit
- Neomake
- Neotest
- Noice
- NvimTree
- Octo.nvim
- Rainbow Levels
- Scrollbar
- Signify
- Startify
- Syntastic
- Tagbar
- Telescope
- TreeSitter
- Trouble
- Vista.vim
- WhichKey (nvim)
- WhichKey (vim)
- YouCompleteMe
- aerial.nvim
- blamer.nvim
- clever-f.vim
- crtlp.vim
- denite.nvim
- dirvish.vim
- fzf.vim
- glyph-palette
- illuminate.vim
- lightspeed.nvim
- limelight.vim
- nvim-cmp
- nvim-dap-ui
- nvim-navic
- nvim-notify
- nvim-ts-rainbow
- packer.nvim
- quick-scope
- quickmenu.vim
- sneak.vim
- symbols-outline.nvim
- undotree
- vim-bookmarks
- vim-clap
- vim-cursorword
- vim-floaterm
- vim-lsp
- vim-matchup
- vim-plug
- vim-signature
- vim-sneak
- vim_current_word
- yanky.nvim