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# Changelog

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on [Keep a Changelog]( and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](

Additional documentation and release notes are available at [Multiplayer Documentation](

## [1.0.0-pre.2] - 2020-12-20

### Added

- Associated Known Issues for the 1.0.0-pre.1 release in the changelog

### Changed

- Updated label for `1.0.0-pre.1` changelog section

## [1.0.0-pre.1] - 2020-12-20

### Added

- Added `ClientNetworkTransform` sample to the SDK package (#1168)
- Added `Bootstrap` sample to the SDK package (#1140)
- Enhanced `NetworkSceneManager` implementation with additive scene loading capabilities (#1080, #955, #913)
  - `NetworkSceneManager.OnSceneEvent` provides improved scene event notificaitons
- Enhanced `NetworkTransform` implementation with per axis/component based and threshold based state replication (#1042, #1055, #1061, #1084, #1101)
- Added a jitter-resistent `BufferedLinearInterpolator<T>` for `NetworkTransform` (#1060)
- Implemented `NetworkPrefabHandler` that provides support for object pooling and `NetworkPrefab` overrides (#1073, #1004, #977, #905,#749, #727)
- Implemented auto `NetworkObject` transform parent synchronization at runtime over the network (#855)
- Adopted Unity C# Coding Standards in the codebase with `.editorconfig` ruleset (#666, #670)
- When a client tries to spawn a `NetworkObject` an exception is thrown to indicate unsupported behavior. (#981)
- Added a `NetworkTime` and `NetworkTickSystem` which allows for improved control over time and ticks. (#845)
- Added a `OnNetworkDespawn` function to `NetworkObject` which gets called when a `NetworkObject` gets despawned and can be overriden. (#865)
- Added `SnapshotSystem` that would allow variables and spawn/despawn messages to be sent in blocks (#805, #852, #862, #963, #1012, #1013, #1021, #1040, #1062, #1064, #1083, #1091, #1111, #1129, #1166, #1192)
  - Disabled by default for now, except spawn/despawn messages
  - Will leverage unreliable messages with eventual consistency
- `NetworkBehaviour` and `NetworkObject`'s `NetworkManager` instances can now be overriden (#762)
- Added metrics reporting for the new network profiler if the Multiplayer Tools package is present (#1104, #1089, #1096, #1086, #1072, #1058, #960, #897, #891, #878)
- `NetworkBehaviour.IsSpawned` a quick (and stable) way to determine if the associated NetworkObject is spawned (#1190)
- Added `NetworkRigidbody` and `NetworkRigidbody2D` components to support networking `Rigidbody` and `Rigidbody2D` components (#1202, #1175)
- Added `NetworkObjectReference` and `NetworkBehaviourReference` structs which allow to sending `NetworkObject/Behaviours` over RPCs/`NetworkVariable`s (#1173)
- Added `NetworkAnimator` component to support networking `Animator` component (#1281, #872)

### Changed

- Bumped minimum Unity version, renamed package as "Unity Netcode for GameObjects", replaced `MLAPI` namespace and its variants with `Unity.Netcode` namespace and per asm-def variants (#1007, #1009, #1015, #1017, #1019, #1025, #1026, #1065)
  - Minimum Unity version:
    - 2019.4 → 2020.3+
  - Package rename:
    - Display name: `MLAPI Networking Library` → `Netcode for GameObjects`
    - Name: `com.unity.multiplayer.mlapi` → `com.unity.netcode.gameobjects`
    - Updated package description
  - All `MLAPI.x` namespaces are replaced with `Unity.Netcode`
    - `MLAPI.Messaging` → `Unity.Netcode`
    - `MLAPI.Connection` → `Unity.Netcode`
    - `MLAPI.Logging` → `Unity.Netcode`
    - `MLAPI.SceneManagement` → `Unity.Netcode`
    - and other `MLAPI.x` variants to `Unity.Netcode`
  - All assembly definitions are renamed with `Unity.Netcode.x` variants
    - `Unity.Multiplayer.MLAPI.Runtime` → `Unity.Netcode.Runtime`
    - `Unity.Multiplayer.MLAPI.Editor` → `Unity.Netcode.Editor`
    - and other `Unity.Multiplayer.MLAPI.x` variants to `Unity.Netcode.x` variants
- Renamed `Prototyping` namespace and assembly definition to `Components` (#1145)
- Changed `NetworkObject.Despawn(bool destroy)` API to default to `destroy = true` for better usability (#1217)
- Scene registration in `NetworkManager` is now replaced by Build Setttings → Scenes in Build List (#1080)
- `NetworkSceneManager.SwitchScene` has been replaced by `NetworkSceneManager.LoadScene` (#955)
- `NetworkManager, NetworkConfig, and NetworkSceneManager` scene registration replaced with scenes in build list (#1080)
- `GlobalObjectIdHash` replaced `PrefabHash` and `PrefabHashGenerator` for stability and consistency (#698)
- `NetworkStart` has been renamed to `OnNetworkSpawn`. (#865)
- Network variable cleanup - eliminated shared mode, variables are server-authoritative (#1059, #1074)
- `NetworkManager` and other systems are no longer singletons/statics (#696, #705, #706, #737, #738, #739, #746, #747, #763, #765, #766, #783, #784, #785, #786, #787, #788)
- Changed `INetworkSerializable.NetworkSerialize` method signature to use `BufferSerializer<T>` instead of `NetworkSerializer` (#1187)
- Changed `CustomMessagingManager`'s methods to use `FastBufferWriter` and `FastBufferReader` instead of `Stream` (#1187)
- Reduced internal runtime allocations by removing LINQ calls and replacing managed lists/arrays with native collections (#1196)

### Removed

- Removed `NetworkNavMeshAgent` (#1150)
- Removed `NetworkDictionary`, `NetworkSet` (#1149)
- Removed `NetworkVariableSettings` (#1097)
- Removed predefined `NetworkVariable<T>` types (#1093)
    - Removed `NetworkVariableBool`, `NetworkVariableByte`, `NetworkVariableSByte`, `NetworkVariableUShort`, `NetworkVariableShort`, `NetworkVariableUInt`, `NetworkVariableInt`, `NetworkVariableULong`, `NetworkVariableLong`, `NetworkVariableFloat`, `NetworkVariableDouble`, `NetworkVariableVector2`, `NetworkVariableVector3`, `NetworkVariableVector4`, `NetworkVariableColor`, `NetworkVariableColor32`, `NetworkVariableRay`, `NetworkVariableQuaternion`
- Removed `NetworkChannel` and `MultiplexTransportAdapter` (#1133)
- Removed ILPP backend for 2019.4, minimum required version is 2020.3+ (#895)
- `NetworkManager.NetworkConfig` had the following properties removed: (#1080)
  - Scene Registrations no longer exists
  - Allow Runtime Scene Changes was no longer needed and was removed
- Removed the NetworkObject.Spawn payload parameter (#1005)
- Removed `ProfilerCounter`, the original MLAPI network profiler, and the built-in network profiler module (2020.3). A replacement can now be found in the Multiplayer Tools package. (#1048)
- Removed UNet RelayTransport and related relay functionality in UNetTransport (#1081)
- Removed `UpdateStage` parameter from `ServerRpcSendParams` and `ClientRpcSendParams` (#1187)
- Removed `NetworkBuffer`, `NetworkWriter`, `NetworkReader`, `NetworkSerializer`, `PooledNetworkBuffer`, `PooledNetworkWriter`, and `PooledNetworkReader` (#1187)
- Removed `EnableNetworkVariable` in `NetworkConfig`, it is always enabled now (#1179)
- Removed `NetworkTransform`'s FixedSendsPerSecond, AssumeSyncedSends, InterpolateServer, ExtrapolatePosition, MaxSendsToExtrapolate, Channel, EnableNonProvokedResendChecks, DistanceSendrate (#1060) (#826) (#1042, #1055, #1061, #1084, #1101)
- Removed `NetworkManager`'s `StopServer()`, `StopClient()` and `StopHost()` methods and replaced with single `NetworkManager.Shutdown()` method for all (#1108)

### Fixed

- Fixed ServerRpc ownership check to `Debug.LogError` instead of `Debug.LogWarning` (#1126)
- Fixed `NetworkObject.OwnerClientId` property changing before `NetworkBehaviour.OnGainedOwnership()` callback (#1092)
- Fixed `NetworkBehaviourILPP` to iterate over all types in an assembly (#803)
- Fixed cross-asmdef RPC ILPP by importing types into external assemblies (#678)
- Fixed `NetworkManager` shutdown when quitting the application or switching scenes (#1011)
  - Now `NetworkManager` shutdowns correctly and despawns existing `NetworkObject`s
- Fixed Only one `PlayerPrefab` can be selected on `NetworkManager` inspector UI in the editor (#676)
- Fixed connection approval not being triggered for host (#675)
- Fixed various situations where messages could be processed in an invalid order, resulting in errors (#948, #1187, #1218)
- Fixed `NetworkVariable`s being default-initialized on the client instead of being initialized with the desired value (#1266)
- Improved runtime performance and reduced GC pressure (#1187)
- Fixed #915 - clients are receiving data from objects not visible to them (#1099)
- Fixed `NetworkTransform`'s "late join" issues, `NetworkTransform` now uses `NetworkVariable`s instead of RPCs (#826)
- Throw an exception for silent failure when a client tries to get another player's `PlayerObject`, it is now only allowed on the server-side (#844)

### Known Issues

- `NetworkVariable` does not serialize `INetworkSerializable` types through their `NetworkSerialize` implementation
- `NetworkObjects` marked as `DontDestroyOnLoad` are disabled during some network scene transitions
- `NetworkTransform` interpolates from the origin when switching Local Space synchronization
- Exceptions thrown in `OnNetworkSpawn` user code for an object will prevent the callback in other objects
- Cannot send an array of `INetworkSerializable` in RPCs
- ILPP generation fails with special characters in project path

## [0.2.0] - 2021-06-03

WIP version increment to pass package validation checks. Changelog & final version number TBD.

## [0.1.1] - 2021-06-01

This is hotfix v0.1.1 for the initial experimental Unity MLAPI Package.

### Changed

- Fixed issue with the Unity Registry package version missing some fixes from the v0.1.0 release.

## [0.1.0] - 2021-03-23

This is the initial experimental Unity MLAPI Package, v0.1.0.

### Added

- Refactored a new standard for Remote Procedure Call (RPC) in MLAPI which provides increased performance, significantly reduced boilerplate code, and extensibility for future-proofed code. MLAPI RPC includes `ServerRpc` and `ClientRpc` to execute logic on the server and client-side. This provides a single performant unified RPC solution, replacing MLAPI Convenience and Performance RPC (see [here](#removed-features)).
- Added standarized serialization types, including built-in and custom serialization flows. See [RFC #2]( for details.
- `INetworkSerializable` interface replaces `IBitWritable`.
- Added `NetworkSerializer`..., which is the main aggregator that implements serialization code for built-in supported types and holds `NetworkReader` and `NetworkWriter` instances internally.
- Added a Network Update Loop infrastructure that aids Netcode systems to update (such as RPC queue and transport) outside of the standard `MonoBehaviour` event cycle. See [RFC #8]( and the following details:
  - It uses Unity's [low-level Player Loop API]( and allows for registering `INetworkUpdateSystem`s with `NetworkUpdate` methods to be executed at specific `NetworkUpdateStage`s, which may also be before or after `MonoBehaviour`-driven game logic execution.
  - You will typically interact with `NetworkUpdateLoop` for registration and `INetworkUpdateSystem` for implementation.
  - `NetworkVariable`s are now tick-based using the `NetworkTickSystem`, tracking time through network interactions and syncs.
- Added message batching to handle consecutive RPC requests sent to the same client. `RpcBatcher` sends batches based on requests from the `RpcQueueProcessing`, by batch size threshold or immediately.
- [GitHub 494](Unity-Technologies/com.unity.netcode.gameobjects#494): Added a constraint to allow one `NetworkObject` per `GameObject`, set through the `DisallowMultipleComponent` attribute.
- Integrated MLAPI with the Unity Profiler for versions 2020.2 and later:
  - Added new profiler modules for MLAPI that report important network data.
  - Attached the profiler to a remote player to view network data over the wire.
- A test project is available for building and experimenting with MLAPI features. This project is available in the MLAPI GitHub [testproject folder](
- Added a [MLAPI Community Contributions]( new GitHub repository to accept extensions from the MLAPI community. Current extensions include moved MLAPI features for lag compensation (useful for Server Authoritative actions) and `TrackedObject`.

### Changed

- [GitHub 520](Unity-Technologies/com.unity.netcode.gameobjects#520): MLAPI now uses the Unity Package Manager for installation management.
- Added functionality and usability to `NetworkVariable`, previously called `NetworkVar`. Updates enhance options and fully replace the need for `SyncedVar`s.
- [GitHub 507](Unity-Technologies/com.unity.netcode.gameobjects#507): Reimplemented `NetworkAnimator`, which synchronizes animation states for networked objects.
- GitHub [444](Unity-Technologies/com.unity.netcode.gameobjects#444) and [455](Unity-Technologies/com.unity.netcode.gameobjects#455): Channels are now represented as bytes instead of strings.

For users of previous versions of MLAPI, this release renames APIs due to refactoring. All obsolete marked APIs have been removed as per [GitHub 513](Unity-Technologies/com.unity.netcode.gameobjects#513) and [GitHub 514](Unity-Technologies/com.unity.netcode.gameobjects#514).

| Previous MLAPI Versions | V 0.1.0 Name |
| -- | -- |
| `NetworkingManager` | `NetworkManager` |
| `NetworkedObject` | `NetworkObject` |
| `NetworkedBehaviour` | `NetworkBehaviour` |
| `NetworkedClient` | `NetworkClient` |
| `NetworkedPrefab` | `NetworkPrefab` |
| `NetworkedVar` | `NetworkVariable` |
| `NetworkedTransform` | `NetworkTransform` |
| `NetworkedAnimator` | `NetworkAnimator` |
| `NetworkedAnimatorEditor` | `NetworkAnimatorEditor` |
| `NetworkedNavMeshAgent` | `NetworkNavMeshAgent` |
| `SpawnManager` | `NetworkSpawnManager` |
| `BitStream` | `NetworkBuffer` |
| `BitReader` | `NetworkReader` |
| `BitWriter` | `NetworkWriter` |
| `NetEventType` | `NetworkEventType` |
| `ChannelType` | `NetworkDelivery` |
| `Channel` | `NetworkChannel` |
| `Transport` | `NetworkTransport` |
| `NetworkedDictionary` | `NetworkDictionary` |
| `NetworkedList` | `NetworkList` |
| `NetworkedSet` | `NetworkSet` |
| `MLAPIConstants` | `NetworkConstants` |
| `UnetTransport` | `UNetTransport` |

### Fixed

- [GitHub 460](Unity-Technologies/com.unity.netcode.gameobjects#460): Fixed an issue for RPC where the host-server was not receiving RPCs from the host-client and vice versa without the loopback flag set in `NetworkingManager`.
- Fixed an issue where data in the Profiler was incorrectly aggregated and drawn, which caused the profiler data to increment indefinitely instead of resetting each frame.
- Fixed an issue the client soft-synced causing PlayMode client-only scene transition issues, caused when running the client in the editor and the host as a release build. Users may have encountered a soft sync of `NetworkedInstanceId` issues in the `SpawnManager.ClientCollectSoftSyncSceneObjectSweep` method.
- [GitHub 458](Unity-Technologies/com.unity.netcode.gameobjects#458): Fixed serialization issues in `NetworkList` and `NetworkDictionary` when running in Server mode.
- [GitHub 498](Unity-Technologies/com.unity.netcode.gameobjects#498): Fixed numerical precision issues to prevent not a number (NaN) quaternions.
- [GitHub 438](Unity-Technologies/com.unity.netcode.gameobjects#438): Fixed booleans by reaching or writing bytes instead of bits.
- [GitHub 519](Unity-Technologies/com.unity.netcode.gameobjects#519): Fixed an issue where calling `Shutdown()` before making `NetworkManager.Singleton = null` is null on `NetworkManager.OnDestroy()`.

### Removed

With a new release of MLAPI in Unity, some features have been removed:

- SyncVars have been removed from MLAPI. Use `NetworkVariable`s in place of this functionality. <!-- MTT54 -->
- [GitHub 527](Unity-Technologies/com.unity.netcode.gameobjects#527): Lag compensation systems and `TrackedObject` have moved to the new [MLAPI Community Contributions]( repo.
- [GitHub 509](Unity-Technologies/com.unity.netcode.gameobjects#509): Encryption has been removed from MLAPI. The `Encryption` option in `NetworkConfig` on the `NetworkingManager` is not available in this release. This change will not block game creation or running. A current replacement for this functionality is not available, and may be developed in future releases. See the following changes:
    - Removed `SecuritySendFlags` from all APIs.
    - Removed encryption, cryptography, and certificate configurations from APIs including `NetworkManager` and `NetworkConfig`.
    - Removed "hail handshake", including `NetworkManager` implementation and `NetworkConstants` entries.
    - Modified `RpcQueue` and `RpcBatcher` internals to remove encryption and authentication from reading and writing.
- Removed the previous MLAPI Profiler editor window from Unity versions 2020.2 and later.
- Removed previous MLAPI Convenience and Performance RPC APIs with the new standard RPC API. See [RFC #1]( for details.
- [GitHub 520](Unity-Technologies/com.unity.netcode.gameobjects#520): Removed the MLAPI Installer.

### Known Issues

- `NetworkNavMeshAgent` does not synchronize mesh data, Agent Size, Steering, Obstacle Avoidance, or Path Finding settings. It only synchronizes the destination and velocity, not the path to the destination.
- For `RPC`, methods with a `ClientRpc` or `ServerRpc` suffix which are not marked with [ServerRpc] or [ClientRpc] will cause a compiler error.
- For `NetworkAnimator`, Animator Overrides are not supported. Triggers do not work.
- For `NetworkVariable`, the `NetworkDictionary` `List` and `Set` must use the `reliableSequenced` channel.
- `NetworkObjects`s are supported but when spawning a prefab with nested child network objects you have to manually call spawn on them
- `NetworkTransform` have the following issues:
  - Replicated objects may have jitter.
  - The owner is always authoritative about the object's position.
  - Scale is not synchronized.
- Connection Approval is not called on the host client.
- For `NamedMessages`, always use `NetworkBuffer` as the underlying stream for sending named and unnamed messages.
- For `NetworkManager`, connection management is limited. Use `IsServer`, `IsClient`, `IsConnectedClient`, or other code to check if MLAPI connected correctly.

## [0.0.1-preview.1] - 2020-12-20

This was an internally-only-used version of the Unity MLAPI Package
  • Loading branch information
Unity Technologies committed Dec 20, 2020
0 parents commit 22d877d
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Showing 489 changed files with 43,246 additions and 0 deletions.
235 changes: 235 additions & 0 deletions

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7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions

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8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions Components.meta

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10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions Components/AssemblyInfo.cs
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@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;

[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("Unity.Netcode.EditorTests")]
[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("Unity.Netcode.Editor.CodeGen")]
[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("Unity.Netcode.Editor")]
[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("TestProject.EditorTests")]
[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("TestProject.RuntimeTests")]
[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("Unity.Netcode.RuntimeTests")]
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions Components/AssemblyInfo.cs.meta

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8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions Components/Interpolator.meta

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261 changes: 261 additions & 0 deletions Components/Interpolator/BufferedLinearInterpolator.cs
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@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

namespace Unity.Netcode

/// <summary>
/// Solves for incoming values that are jittered
/// Partially solves for message loss. Unclamped lerping helps hide this, but not completely
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
internal abstract class BufferedLinearInterpolator<T> where T : struct
private struct BufferedItem
public T Item;
public double TimeSent;

public BufferedItem(T item, double timeSent)
Item = item;
TimeSent = timeSent;

private const double k_SmallValue = 9.999999439624929E-11; // copied from Vector3's equal operator

private T m_InterpStartValue;
private T m_CurrentInterpValue;
private T m_InterpEndValue;

private double m_EndTimeConsumed;
private double m_StartTimeConsumed;

private readonly List<BufferedItem> m_Buffer = new List<BufferedItem>(k_BufferCountLimit);

// Buffer consumption scenarios
// Perfect case consumption
// | 1 | 2 | 3 |
// | 2 | 3 | 4 | consume 1
// | 3 | 4 | 5 | consume 2
// | 4 | 5 | 6 | consume 3
// | 5 | 6 | 7 | consume 4
// jittered case
// | 1 | 2 | 3 |
// | 2 | 3 | | consume 1
// | 3 | | | consume 2
// | 4 | 5 | 6 | consume 3
// | 5 | 6 | 7 | consume 4
// bursted case (assuming max count is 5)
// | 1 | 2 | 3 |
// | 2 | 3 | | consume 1
// | 3 | | | consume 2
// | | | | consume 3
// | | | |
// | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | --> consume all and teleport to last value <8> --> this is the nuclear option, ideally this example would consume 4 and 5
// instead of jumping to 8, but since in OnValueChange we don't yet have an updated server time (updated in pre-update) to know which value
// we should keep and which we should drop, we don't have enough information to do this. Another thing would be to not have the burst in the first place.

// Constant absolute value for max buffer count instead of dynamic time based value. This is in case we have very low tick rates, so
// that we don't have a very small buffer because of this.
private const int k_BufferCountLimit = 100;
private BufferedItem m_LastBufferedItemReceived;
private int m_NbItemsReceivedThisFrame;

private int m_LifetimeConsumedCount;

private bool InvalidState => m_Buffer.Count == 0 && m_LifetimeConsumedCount == 0;

public void ResetTo(T targetValue, double serverTime)
m_LifetimeConsumedCount = 1;
m_InterpStartValue = targetValue;
m_InterpEndValue = targetValue;
m_CurrentInterpValue = targetValue;
m_EndTimeConsumed = 0.0d;
m_StartTimeConsumed = 0.0d;

Update(0, serverTime, serverTime);

// todo if I have value 1, 2, 3 and I'm treating 1 to 3, I shouldn't interpolate between 1 and 3, I should interpolate from 1 to 2, then from 2 to 3 to get the best path
private void TryConsumeFromBuffer(double renderTime, double serverTime)
int consumedCount = 0;
// only consume if we're ready

// this operation was measured as one of our most expensive, and we should put some thought into this.
// NetworkTransform has (currently) 7 buffered linear interpolators (3 position, 3 scale, 1 rot), and
// each has its own independent buffer and 'm_endTimeConsume'. That means every frame I have to do 7x
// these checks vs. if we tracked these values in a unified way
if (renderTime >= m_EndTimeConsumed)
BufferedItem? itemToInterpolateTo = null;
// assumes we're using sequenced messages for netvar syncing
// buffer contains oldest values first, iterating from end to start to remove elements from list while iterating

// calling m_Buffer.Count shows up hot in the profiler.
for (int i = m_Buffer.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) // todo stretch: consume ahead if we see we're missing values due to packet loss
var bufferedValue = m_Buffer[i];
// Consume when ready and interpolate to last value we can consume. This can consume multiple values from the buffer
if (bufferedValue.TimeSent <= serverTime)
if (!itemToInterpolateTo.HasValue || bufferedValue.TimeSent > itemToInterpolateTo.Value.TimeSent)
if (m_LifetimeConsumedCount == 0)
// if interpolator not initialized, teleport to first value when available
m_StartTimeConsumed = bufferedValue.TimeSent;
m_InterpStartValue = bufferedValue.Item;
else if (consumedCount == 0)
// Interpolating to new value, end becomes start. We then look in our buffer for a new end.
m_StartTimeConsumed = m_EndTimeConsumed;
m_InterpStartValue = m_InterpEndValue;

if (bufferedValue.TimeSent > m_EndTimeConsumed)
itemToInterpolateTo = bufferedValue;
m_EndTimeConsumed = bufferedValue.TimeSent;
m_InterpEndValue = bufferedValue.Item;


/// <summary>
/// Convenience version of 'Update' mainly for testing
/// the reason we don't want to always call this version is so that on the calling side we can compute
/// the renderTime once for the many things being interpolated (and the many interpolators per object)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="deltaTime">time since call</param>
/// <param name="serverTime">current server time</param>
public T Update(float deltaTime, NetworkTime serverTime)
return Update(deltaTime, serverTime.TimeTicksAgo(1).Time, serverTime.Time);

/// <summary>
/// Call to update the state of the interpolators before reading out
/// </summary>
/// <param name="deltaTime">time since last call</param>
/// <param name="renderTime">our current time</param>
/// <param name="serverTime">current server time</param>
public T Update(float deltaTime, double renderTime, double serverTime)
TryConsumeFromBuffer(renderTime, serverTime);

if (InvalidState)
throw new InvalidOperationException("trying to update interpolator when no data has been added to it yet");

// Interpolation example to understand the math below
// 4 4.5 6 6.5
// | | | |
// A render B Server

if (m_LifetimeConsumedCount >= 1) // shouldn't interpolate between default values, let's wait to receive data first, should only interpolate between real measurements
float t = 1.0f;
double range = m_EndTimeConsumed - m_StartTimeConsumed;
if (range > k_SmallValue)
t = (float)((renderTime - m_StartTimeConsumed) / range);

if (t < 0.0f)
throw new OverflowException($"t = {t} but must be >= 0. range {range}, RenderTime {renderTime}, Start time {m_StartTimeConsumed}, end time {m_EndTimeConsumed}");

if (t > 3.0f) // max extrapolation
// TODO this causes issues with teleport, investigate
// todo make this configurable
t = 1.0f;

var target = InterpolateUnclamped(m_InterpStartValue, m_InterpEndValue, t);
float maxInterpTime = 0.1f;
m_CurrentInterpValue = Interpolate(m_CurrentInterpValue, target, deltaTime / maxInterpTime); // second interpolate to smooth out extrapolation jumps

m_NbItemsReceivedThisFrame = 0;
return m_CurrentInterpValue;

public void AddMeasurement(T newMeasurement, double sentTime)

// This situation can happen after a game is paused. When starting to receive again, the server will have sent a bunch of messages in the meantime
// instead of going through thousands of value updates just to get a big teleport, we're giving up on interpolation and teleporting to the latest value
if (m_NbItemsReceivedThisFrame > k_BufferCountLimit)
if (m_LastBufferedItemReceived.TimeSent < sentTime)
m_LastBufferedItemReceived = new BufferedItem(newMeasurement, sentTime);
ResetTo(newMeasurement, sentTime);


if (sentTime > m_EndTimeConsumed || m_LifetimeConsumedCount == 0) // treat only if value is newer than the one being interpolated to right now
m_LastBufferedItemReceived = new BufferedItem(newMeasurement, sentTime);

public T GetInterpolatedValue()
return m_CurrentInterpValue;

protected abstract T Interpolate(T start, T end, float time);
protected abstract T InterpolateUnclamped(T start, T end, float time);

internal class BufferedLinearInterpolatorFloat : BufferedLinearInterpolator<float>
protected override float InterpolateUnclamped(float start, float end, float time)
return Mathf.LerpUnclamped(start, end, time);

protected override float Interpolate(float start, float end, float time)
return Mathf.Lerp(start, end, time);

internal class BufferedLinearInterpolatorQuaternion : BufferedLinearInterpolator<Quaternion>
protected override Quaternion InterpolateUnclamped(Quaternion start, Quaternion end, float time)
return Quaternion.SlerpUnclamped(start, end, time);

protected override Quaternion Interpolate(Quaternion start, Quaternion end, float time)
return Quaternion.SlerpUnclamped(start, end, time);
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions Components/Interpolator/BufferedLinearInterpolator.cs.meta

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