yarn add ual-newsafe-cloud
# or
npm install ual-newsafe-cloud
import { NewsafeCloudAuthenticator } from "ual-newsafe-cloud";
const eos = {
chainId: "add7deb61981d83563f2c09f266acbfa48153f14453639b4a6259c4c8225d0e7"
rpcEndpoints: [
protocol: "https",
host: "nodeos-dev.newcoin.org",
port: "443",
const config = {
authUrl: "https://auth-dev.unsid.org/explore",
newgraphUrl: "https://api-eu-dev.newlife.io",
const newsafeCloud = new NewsafeCloudAuthenticator([eos], config);
// add to authenticators list, for example:
<UALProvider chains={[newcoin]} authenticators={[newsafeCloud]}>
<AppWithUAL />
As part of the OAuth flow implemented by newsafe cloud wallet, you site will receive the
token to the specified redirectUrl
, for that we provide a function to handle the response.
You can execute it in the page you specified:
// /your/redirect/page
import { handleTokenResponse } from "ual-newsafe-cloud";
The function will fetch the token from the query params, send it to your application's original page and close the current page.
To run the builder in development mode you can use:
yarn dev
# or
npm run dev
this will rebuild the code anytime a file changes.
To release you can create a new git tag, this will trigger the publish action in github actions.
Make sure the version in package.json is updated with the new version when creating the tag.