An ansible role to install and destroy Kind clusters
With default values role will instanciate a 4 node cluster using latest kind release and image. The following is the list of user serviceable variables
Parameter | Default | Type | Required | Description |
kind_release_tag | latest | string | false | Taken from Kind's release page |
kind_image_tag | latest | string | false | Taken from docker hub |
kind_cluster_state | present | string | false | Whether to create ('present') or destroy ('absent') the target cluster |
kind_cluster_name | kind | string | false | Name of the cluster to create/destroy |
kind_network_addr | 172.160.0/16 | string | false | Subnet for kind docker network |
kind_kubeconfig | ~/.kube/config | string | false | Path to store kubeconfig file for the cluster |
kind_bin | undefined | string | false | Path to store kind bin used to deploy the cluster |
kind_registry_deploy | false | bool | false | Create local registry container |
kind_registry_hostname | localhost | string | localhost | Hostname for local docker registry |
kind_registry_cleanup | true | string | false | Destroy local registry container with cluster |
kind_registry_port | 49153 | integer | false | Host bind port for local docker registry |
kind_proxy_deploy | false | bool | false | Deploy proxy registry container |
kind_proxy_hostname | localhost | string | false | Hostname for proxy registry |
kind_proxy_cleanup | true | string | false | Add proxy registry container to cluster configuration |
kind_nodes | 4 | integer | false | Cluster size |
The below requirements are needed on the host that executes this module.
- Linux or Darwin 64 bit OS
- kubectl binary is available on path
This role is compatible with arm64 and darwin distributions. You must gather facts before running this role for this to work as intended.
For this role to run on apple silicon devices you must export the environment variable DOCKER_HOST
to unix:///$HOME/.docker/run/docker.sock
. The default unix:///var/run/docker.sock
is not available on MacOS
The below python collections are needed on the host that executes this module:
- ansible.utils
- name: converge
hosts: all
- nephelaiio.kind
Please make sure your environment has docker installed; then test the role from the project root using the following commands
poetry instasll
poetry run molecule test
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT License