This is a simple Web App that can be used for Training & Demo purposes.
There are multiple branches available with different colours/errors, to help showcase the different image releases and simulate a failure.
When deployed to Kubernetes, this App will tell you via the browser what Pod & Node you're connected to.
To create a new release the following steps will need to be performed:
docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64 . --tag narji/sample-web-app:0.1.0 --push
docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64 . --tag sample-web-app
Once the image has been built locally the container can be run with docker as follows:
docker run -p 8080:8080 sample-web-app
Instead of building a local version you can also pull a remote image with the specified tag:
docker image pull narji/sample-web-app:0.1.0
A quick look will show which images are locally available.
docker image ls
These are the images you can use locally. So for the remote image we've downloaded to our local computer this may look like this:
docker container run -p 8080:8080 narji/sample-web-app:0.1.0