- Install homebrew
- Run
brew bundle
- Run
- Run
Just some notes on my current set up while I figure out how to automate their installation
Fonts I like:
- Fira Code
- Inconsolata for Powerline
- Meslo LG M for Powerline @ 12pts
- Soure Code Pro for Powerline
- JetBrains Mono
- Cascadia
Terminal themes I like:
- Brogrammer
- Material Dark
- Smyck
- Chalk
- CLRS (white)
- Brightlights
- Afterglow
- Ciapre
- Cobalt2
- Darkside
- Material (white)
Run the following commands to update submodules (dotbot, zsh-autosuggest, etc.).
If the submodules have not already been pulled down:
git submodule update --init
If the submodules are already pulled down:
git submodule update --remote
Largely a fork of Zach Holman's dotfiles
With inspiration and additions from the following:
- https://github.com/paulmillr/dotfiles
- https://github.com/mathiasbynens/dotfiles
- https://github.com/jasonszhao/dotfiles - decided to use dotbot from looking at yours :D
- https://dotfiles.github.io/ - awesome resource
I forked Ryan Bates' excellent dotfiles for a couple years before the weight of my changes and tweaks inspired me to finally roll my own. But Ryan's dotfiles were an easy way to get into bash customization, and then to jump ship to zsh a bit later. A decent amount of the code in these dotfiles stem or are inspired from Ryan's original project.