This library lets you read and write U-Boot environment blocks from Elixir. U-Boot environment blocks are simple key-value stores used by the U-Boot bootloader and applications that need to communicate with it. Nerves uses U-Boot environment blocks to store settings related to the device and running firmware. Nerves uses the format even for boards (like the Raspberry Pis) that don't use the U-Boot bootloader.
This library has the following features:
- Create, read, and write to U-Boot environment blocks in pure Elixir with OTP 21 and later
- Load environment block configurations from
- Redundant and non-redundant environment block support
This library does not support U-Boot environment blocks stored in raw NAND Flash or big-endian blocks.
Install by adding uboot_env
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:uboot_env, "~> 1.0"}
Here's an example of reading the environment:
"fdt_addr" => "0x83000000",
"stdout" => "serial",
To change the environment, update the map returned by
and call
. If you're used to using fw_setenv
, note that
writes the map that you give it whereas fw_setenv
the key value pairs with the current environment.
iex> {:ok kv} =
iex> new_kv = Map.put(kv, "hello", "world")
iex> UBootEnv.write(new_kv)
and UBootEnv.write/1
do not perform any locking of the data
they write. If you have multiple processes updating the U-Boot environment
block, you'll have to synchronize access to it.