Welcome to Nervos community. Nervos bi-weekly report temporarily consists of 4 parts: community update, development update, recommend, and upcoming events. We update it every other Wednesday. You can pull anything about Nervos community here.let‘s write Bi-weekly report together!
About Nervos previous bi-weekly reports please click here.
欢迎大家来到 Nervos 社区周报,目前 Nervos 双周报暂时分为“社区动态”、“CKB 开发动态”、“近期推荐”、“Nervos 活动预告”四部分,每隔一周的周三会更新一次。关于 Nervos 的一切社区动态,等你来补充。
Nervos 往期双周报请点击这里