Kerbal Space Program mod that increases the number of action groups to 250 and allows in-flight editing.
Unleashed fork by Lisias.
- Latest Release
- Source
- Documentation
This mod respects career mode VAB/SPH progress and only shows unlocked action groups by default.
To override and always have all action groups available, find the KSP\GameData\Diazo\AGExt\AGExt.cfg
file and change the "OverrideCareer" value to 1 (one) from 0 (zero). You can also use the new stock ActionGroupsAlwaysAvailable
option in-game, found under Custom Difficutly -> Advanced Options
- Option to override Career Mode action groups lockout on low level buildings to use action groups immediately if desired (Disabled by default)
- Increase the number of action groups to 250
- Edit Actions in Flight.
- Name Action Groups on a per vessel basis, so you can remember what is assigned where
- Actions state can be color coded based on status. (Note this defaults to off.)
- Toggle monitoring allows visual feedback of actions that lack this, such as the "Inverted Steering" on a wheel.
- Supports saving actions to sub-assemblies
To install, place the GameData folder inside your Kerbal Space Program folder.
- Hard Dependencies
- KSP Extended 2.5 or newer
- Soft Dependencies
This work is licensed under the GPL 3.0. See here
- You are free to:
- Use : unpack and use the material in any computer or device
- Redistribute : redistribute the original package in any medium
- Adapt : Reuse, modify or incorporate source code into your works (and redistribute it!)
- Under the following terms:
- You retain any copyright notices
- You recognize and respect any trademarks
- You don't impersonate the authors, neither redistribute a derivative that could be misrepresented as theirs.
- You credit the author and republish the copyright notices on your works where the code is used.
- You relicense (and fully comply) your works using GPL 3.0
- Please note that upgrading the license to any future license version IS NOT ALLOWED for this work, as the author DID NOT added the "or (at your option) any later version" on the license
- You don't mix your work with GPL incompatible works.
See NOTICE for further copyright and trademarks notices.