Alpine-based TLS-securely WebAPI-managed controller server for rest2wg containers network.
- GET /api/auth - always returns 200_OK if user is authorized.
- GET /api/auth/sessions - returns count of other sessions.
- POST /api/auth[?provideRefresh=true][?refreshJwtInBody=false] - authenticates the user using LoginRequest credentials.
- POST /api/auth/recovery/{jwt} - changes password using specified model.
- PUT /api/auth[?provideRefresh=true][?refreshJwtInBody=false][?redirectToLogin=false] - creates [or authenticates (if redirectToLogin is set to true)] the user using RegistrationRequest credentials.
- PUT /api/auth/recovery/{email} - sends email with link for password recovery.
- PATCH /api/auth/ - refreshes tokens using refresh JWT from cookie XOR RefreshJwtRequest from body. If token is passed both in cookie and body, 400_BadRequest is returned.
- PATCH /api/auth/refresh - do the same as above.
- PATCH /api/auth/password - changes the password using ChangePasswordRequest from body;
- DELETE /api/auth - terminates all other refresh JWTs. Token must be passed in cookies.
- DELETE /api/auth/other-sessions - do the same as above.
- DELETE /api/auth/self - terminates current refresh jwt passed in cookies.
- DELETE /api/auth/self/{token} - same as above but jwt is passed in route.
- GET /api/device/user-devices-limits [ANONYMOUS] - returns common limitations for the different user groups.
- GET /api/device - returns list of devices for current user.
- PUT /api/device[?allowDuplicate=true] - adds new device to the database using AddDeviceRequest body. May return 200_OK instead of 409_CONFLICT in case of key already exists for the user if allowDuplicate was set to true in the query.
- PATCH /api/device - deletes existing device from the database using DeleteDeviceRequest body.
- DELETE /api/device/{PubkeyBase64Url} - do the same as above but without RFC 9110 violation.
- GET /api/connection/nodes-list - returns the list of VPN-nodes. The response may be cached by NGINX.
- PUT /api/connection - asks the server to add device's pubkey to the selected note using ConnectDeviceRequest body
- VDB_GENERATE_JWT_SIG - generate random JWT signing key on container first run.
- Valid range: true/false.
- Default: true.
- VDB_GENERATE_JWT_SIG - generate random JWT signing key on container first run.
- 5001 - nginx-to-api HTTP2 self-signed TLS port.
- 5002 - nginx-to-api no-TLS port.
- 3 chars - location identified, i.e. 'Ams' - Amsterdam.
- free/paid - access level required identifier.
- digit - identifier in case of duplications in a single location.
- IP address - the address of the server itself.
- 2 digits - constant '55' prefix. Consider not changing.
- 3 gitids - itertate by 10 for rest2wg container, iterate by 1 for WG/HTTPS/HTTP ports. Example addresses array for 3 rest2wg containers on a single host: [55090, 55091, 55092; 550100, 55101; 55110, 55111]