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This is the semi-official 'all-in-one' Logstash cookbook.

If you are using logstash < 1.2 you might want to use the 0.6.1 branch. This cookbook is best for logstash 1.2 and 1.3.

Looking for a logstash >= 1.4 cookbook? See the logstash_1.4 branch. Now with LWRPs, but still in heavy development, so use with caution.


All of the requirements are explicitly defined in the recipes. Every effort has been made to utilize Opscode's cookbooks.

However if you wish to use an external ElasticSearch cluster, you will need to install that yourself and change the relevant attributes for discovery. The same applies to integration with Graphite.

This cookbook has been tested together with the following cookbooks, see the Berksfile for more details



  • node['logstash']['homedir'] - the home directory of the logstash user
  • node['logstash']['basedir'] - the base directory for all the Logstash components
  • node['logstash']['user'] - the owner for all Logstash components
  • node['logstash']['group'] - the group for all Logstash components
  • node['logstash']['supervisor_gid'] - set gid to run logstash as in supervisor ( runit, upstart ). Useful for Ubuntu where logstash or beaver needs to run as group adm to read syslog
  • node['logstash']['graphite_role'] - the Chef role to search for discovering your preexisting Graphite server
  • node['logstash']['graphite_query'] - the search query used for discovering your preexisting Graphite server. Defaults to node['logstash']['graphite_role'] in the current node environment
  • node['logstash']['elasticsearch_role'] - the Chef role to search for discovering your preexisting ElasticSearch cluster.
  • node['logstash']['elasticsearch_query'] - the search query used for discovering your preexisting ElasticSearch cluster. Defaults to node['logstash']['elasticsearch_role'] in the current node environment
  • node['logstash']['elasticsearch_cluster'] - the cluster name assigned to your preexisting ElasticSearch cluster. Only applies to external ES clusters.
  • node['logstash']['elasticsearch_ip'] - the IP address that will be used for your elasticsearch server in case you are using Chef-solo
  • node['logstash']['graphite_ip'] - the IP address that will be used for your graphite server in case you are using Chef-solo
  • node['logstash']['join_groups'] - An array of Operating System groups to join. Usefull to gain read privileges on some logfiles.
  • node['logstash']['patterns'] - A hash with grok patterns to be used on grok and multiline filters.
  • node['logstash']['create_account'] - create the account info from user and group; this is true by default. Disable it to use an existing account!
  • node['logstash']['install_zeromq'] - Should this recipe install zeromq packages?
  • node['logstash']['install_rabbitmq'] - Should this recipe install rabbitmq packages?
  • node['logstash']['zeromq_packages'] - zeromq_packages to install if you use zeromq


  • node['logstash']['agent']['install_method'] - The method to install logstash - either jar or source, defaults to jar
  • node['logstash']['agent']['version'] - The version of Logstash to install. Only applies to jar install method.
  • node['logstash']['agent']['source_url'] - The URL of the Logstash jar to download. Only applies to jar install method.
  • node['logstash']['agent']['checksum'] - The checksum of the jar file. Only applies to jar install method.
  • node['logstash']['agent']['base_config'] - The name of the template to use for logstash.conf as a base config.
  • node['logstash']['agent']['base_config_cookbook'] - Where to find the base_config template.
  • node['logstash']['agent']['workers'] - Number of workers for filter processing.
  • node['logstash']['agent']['xms'] - The minimum memory to assign the JVM.
  • node['logstash']['agent']['xmx'] - The maximum memory to assign the JVM.
  • node['logstash']['agent']['java_opts'] - Additional params you want to pass to the JVM
  • node['logstash']['agent']['gc_opts'] - Specify your garbage collection options to pass to the JVM
  • node['logstash']['agent']['ipv4_only'] - Add jvm option preferIPv4Stack?
  • node['logstash']['agent']['debug'] - Run logstash with -v option?
  • node['logstash']['agent']['server_role'] - The role of the node behaving as a Logstash server/indexer
  • node['logstash']['agent']['inputs'] - Array of input plugins configuration.
  • node['logstash']['agent']['filters'] - Array of filter plugins configuration.
  • node['logstash']['agent']['outputs'] - Array of output plugins configuration.
  • node['logstash']['agent']['patterns_dir'] - The patterns directory where pattern files will be generated. Relative to the basedir or absolute.
  • node['logstash']['agent']['home'] - home dir of logstash agent
  • node['logstash']['agent']['config_dir'] - location of conf.d style config dir
  • node['logstash']['agent']['config_file'] - name for base config file ( in conf.d dir )
  • node['logstash']['agent']['upstart_with_sudo'] - use sudo with upstart


  • node['logstash']['server']['install_method'] - The method to install logstash - either jar or source
  • node['logstash']['server']['version'] - The version of Logstash to install. Only applies to jar install method.
  • node['logstash']['server']['source_url'] - The URL of the Logstash jar to download. Only applies to jar install method.
  • node['logstash']['server']['checksum'] - The checksum of the jar file. Only applies to jar install method.
  • node['logstash']['server']['base_config'] - The name of the template to use for logstash.conf as a base config.
  • node['logstash']['server']['base_config_cookbook'] - Where to find the base config template.
  • node['logstash']['server']['xms'] - The minimum memory to assign the JVM.
  • node['logstash']['server']['xmx'] - The maximum memory to assign the JVM.
  • node['logstash']['server']['java_opts'] - Additional params you want to pass to the JVM
  • node['logstash']['server']['gc_opts'] - Specify your garbage collection options to pass to the JVM
  • node['logstash']['server']['ipv4_only'] - Add jvm option preferIPv4Stack?
  • node['logstash']['server']['debug'] - Run logstash with -v option?
  • node['logstash']['server']['enable_embedded_es'] - Should Logstash run with the embedded ElasticSearch server or not?
  • node['logstash']['server']['inputs'] - Array of input plugins configuration.
  • node['logstash']['server']['filters'] - Array of filter plugins configuration.
  • node['logstash']['server']['outputs'] - Array of output plugins configuration.
  • node['logstash']['server']['patterns_dir'] - The patterns directory where pattern files will be generated. Relative to the basedir or absolute.
  • node['logstash']['server']['home'] - home dir of logstash agent
  • node['logstash']['server']['config_dir'] - location of conf.d style config dir
  • node['logstash']['server']['config_file'] - name for base config file ( in conf.d dir )
  • node['logstash']['server']['workers'] - Number of workers for filter processing.
  • node['logstash']['server']['web']['enable'] - true to enable embedded kibana ( may be behind in features )
  • node['logstash']['server']['web']['address'] - IP Address to listen on
  • node['logstash']['server']['web']['port'] - port to listen on.
  • node['logstash']['server']['upstart_with_sudo'] - use sudo with upstart


Kibana can be run from the embedded version in elasticsearch.
It is not recommended that you use this outside of basic testing. This is for several reasons:

Beaver (alternative to Logstash Agent)

  • node['logstash']['beaver']['repo'] - URL or repository to install beaver from (using pip).

  • node['logstash']['beaver']['server_role'] - The role of the node behaving as a Logstash server/indexer.

  • node['logstash']['beaver']['server_ipaddress'] - Server IP address to use (needed when not using server_role).

  • node['logstash']['beaver']['inputs'] - Array of input plugins configuration (Supported: file). For example:

      override['logstash']['beaver']['inputs'] =  [
        { :file =>  
            :path => ["/var/log/nginx/*log"], 
            :type => "nginx", 
            :tags => ["logstash","nginx"]
        { :file =>  
            :path => ["/var/log/syslog"], 
            :type => "syslog", 
            :tags => ["logstash","syslog"] 
  • node['logstash']['beaver']['outputs'] - Array of output plugins configuration (Supported: amq, redis, stdout, zeromq). For example:

      override['logstash']['beaver']['outputs'] = [ 
          :amqp => { 
            :port => "5672",
            :exchange => "rawlogs",
            :name => "rawlogs_consumer"

    This example sets up the amqp output and uses the recipe defaults for the host value


  • node['logstash']['source']['repo'] - The git repo to use for the source code of Logstash
  • node['logstash']['source']['sha'] - The sha/branch/tag of the repo you wish to clone. Uses node['logstash']['server']['version'] by default.
  • node['logstash']['source']['java_home'] - your JAVA_HOME location. Needed explicity for ant when building JRuby

Index Cleaner

  • node['logstash']['index_cleaner']['days_to_keep'] - Integer number of days from today of Logstash index to keep.
  • node['logstash']['index_cleaner']['cron']['minute'] - Minute to run the index_cleaner cron job
  • node['logstash']['index_cleaner']['cron']['hour'] - Hour to run the index_cleaner cron job
  • node['logstash']['index_cleaner']['cron']['log_file'] - Path to direct the index_cleaner cron job's stdout and stderr



vagrant up precise64


rake strainer

Test-Kitchen + ServerSpec

rake kitchen


Any and all contributions are welcome. We do ask that you test your contributions with the testing framework before you send a PR.

Documentation contributions will earn you lots of hugs and kisses.


A proper readme is forthcoming but in the interim....

There are 2 recipes you need to concern yourself with:

  • server - This would be your indexer node
  • agent - This would be a local host's agent for collection

Every attempt (and I mean this) was made to ensure that the following objectives were met:

  • Any agent install can talk to a server install
  • Kibana web interface can talk to the server install
  • Each component works OOB and with each other
  • Utilize official opscode cookbooks where possible

This setup makes HEAVY use of roles. Additionally, ALL paths have been made into attributes. Everything I could think of that would need to be customized has been made an attribute.


By default, the recipes look for the following roles (defined as attributes so they can be overridden):

  • graphite_server - node['logstash']['graphite_role']
  • elasticsearch_server - node['logstash']['elasticsearch_role']
  • logstash_server - node['logstash']['kibana']['elasticsearch_role'] and node['logstash']['agent']['server_role']

The reason for giving kibana its own role assignment is to allow you to point to existing ES clusters/logstash installs.

The reason for giving agent its own role assignment is to allow the server and agent recipes to work together.

Yes, if you have a graphite installation with a role of graphite_server, logstash will send stats of events received to

Agent and Server configuration

The template to use for configuration is made an attribute as well. This allows you to define your OWN logstash configuration file without mucking with the default templates.

The server will, by default, enable the embedded ES server. This can be overriden as well.

See the server and agent attributes for more details.

Source vs. Jar install methods

Both agent and server support an attribute for how to install. By default this is set to jar to use the 1.1.1preview as it is required to use elasticsearch 0.19.4. The current release is defined in attributes if you choose to go the source route.

Out of the box behaviour

Here are some basic steps

  • Create a role called logstash_server and assign it the following recipes: logstash::server
  • Assign the role to a new server
  • Assign the logstash::agent recipe to another server

If there is a system found with the logstash_server role, the agent will automatically configure itself to send logs to it over tcp port 5959. This is, not coincidently, the port used by the chef logstash handler.

If there is NOT a system with the logstash_server role, the agent will use a null output. The default input is to read files from /var/log/*.log excluding and gzipped files.

If you point your browser to the logstash_server system's ip address, you should get the kibana web interface.

Do something to generate a new line in any of the files in the agent's watch path (I like to SSH to the host), and the events will start showing up in kibana. You might have to issue a fresh empty search.

The pyshipper recipe will work as well but it is NOT wired up to anything yet.

config templates

If you want to use chef templates to drive your configs you'll want to set the following:

  • example using agent, server works the same way.
  • The actual template file for the following would resolve to templates/default/apache.conf.erb and be installed to /opt/logstash/agent/etc/conf.d/apache.conf
  • Each template has a hash named for it to inject variables in node['logstash']['agent']['config_templates_variables']
node['logstash']['agent']['config_file'] = "" # disable data drive templates ( can be left enabled if want both )
node['logstash']['agent']['config_templates'] = ["apache"]
node['logstash']['agent']['config_templates_cookbook'] = 'logstash'
node['logstash']['agent']['config_templates_variables'] = { apache: { type: 'apache' } }

Letting data drive your templates

The current templates for the agent and server are written so that you can provide ruby hashes in your roles that map to inputs, filters, and outputs. Here is a role for logstash_server.

There are two formats for the hashes for filters and outputs that you should be aware of ...


This is for logstash < 1.2.0 and uses the old pattern of setting 'type' and 'tags' in the plugin to determine if it should be run.

filters: [
  grok: {
  type: "syslog"
    match: [
      "%{SYSLOGTIMESTAMP:timestamp} %{IPORHOST:host} (?:%{PROG:program}(?:\[%{POSINT:pid}\])?: )?%{GREEDYDATA:message}"
  date: {
  type: "syslog"
    match: [ 
      "MMM  d HH:mm:ss",
      "MMM dd HH:mm:ss",


This is for logstash >= 1.2.0 and uses the new pattern of conditioansl if 'type' == "foo" {}

Note: the condition applies to all plugins in the block hash in the same object.

filters: [
    condition: 'if [type] == "syslog"',
    block: {    
      grok: {
        match: [
          "%{SYSLOGTIMESTAMP:timestamp} %{IPORHOST:host} (?:%{PROG:program}(?:\[%{POSINT:pid}\])?: )?%{GREEDYDATA:message}"
      date: {
        match: [ 
          "MMM  d HH:mm:ss",
          "MMM dd HH:mm:ss",


These examples show the legacy format and need to be updated for logstash >= 1.2.0

name "logstash_server"
description "Attributes and run_lists specific to FAO's logstash instance"
  :logstash => {
    :server => {
      :enable_embedded_es => false,
      :inputs => [
        :rabbitmq => {
          :type => "all",
          :host => "<IP OF RABBIT SERVER>",
          :exchange => "rawlogs"
      :filters => [
        :grok => {
          :type => "haproxy",
          :pattern => "%{HAPROXYHTTP}",
          :patterns_dir => '/opt/logstash/server/etc/patterns/'
      :outputs => [
        :file => {
          :type => 'haproxy',
          :path => '/opt/logstash/server/haproxy_logs/%{request_header_host}.log',
          :message_format => '%{client_ip} - - [%{accept_date}] "%{http_request}" %{http_status_code} ....'

It will produce the following logstash.conf file

input {

  amqp {
    exchange => 'rawlogs'
    host => '<IP OF RABBIT SERVER>'
    name => 'rawlogs_consumer'
    type => 'all'

filter {

  grok {
    pattern => '%{HAPROXYHTTP}'
    patterns_dir => '/opt/logstash/server/etc/patterns/'
    type => 'haproxy'

output {
  stdout { debug => true debug_format => "json" }
  elasticsearch { host => "" cluster => "logstash" }

  file {
    message_format => '%{client_ip} - - [%{accept_date}] "%{http_request}" %{http_status_code} ....'
    path => '/opt/logstash/server/haproxy_logs/%{request_header_host}.log'
    type => 'haproxy'

Here is an example using multiple filters

  :logstash => {
    :server => {
      :filters => [
        { :grep => {
            :type => 'tomcat',
            :match => { '@message' => '([Ee]xception|Failure:|Error:)' },
            :add_tag => 'exception',
            :drop => false
        } },
        { :grep => {
            :type => 'tomcat',
            :match => { '@message' => 'Unloading class ' },
            :add_tag => 'unloading-class',
            :drop => false
        } },
        { :multiline => {
            :type => 'tomcat',
            :pattern => '^\s',
            :what => 'previous'
        } }

It will produce the following logstash.conf file

filter {

  grep {
    add_tag => 'exception'
    drop => false
    match => ['@message', '([Ee]xception|Failure:|Error:)']
    type => 'tomcat'

  grep {
    add_tag => 'unloading-class'
    drop => false
    match => ["@message", "Unloading class "]
    type => 'tomcat'

  multiline {
    patterns_dir => '/opt/logstash/patterns'
    pattern => '^\s'
    type => 'tomcat'
    what => 'previous'


Adding grok patterns

Grok pattern files can be generated using attributes as follows

  :logstash => {
    :patterns => {
      :apache => {
        :HTTP_ERROR_DATE => '%{DAY} %{MONTH} %{MONTHDAY} %{TIME} %{YEAR}',
        :APACHE_LOG_LEVEL => '[A-Za-z][A-Za-z]+',
        :ERRORAPACHELOG => '^\[%{HTTP_ERROR_DATE:timestamp}\] \[%{APACHE_LOG_LEVEL:level}\](?: \[client %{IPORHOST:clientip}\])?',
      :mywebapp => {
        :MYWEBAPP_LOG => '\[mywebapp\]',

This will generate the following files:


ERRORAPACHELOG ^\[%{HTTP_ERROR_DATE:timestamp}\] \[%{APACHE_LOG_LEVEL:level}\](?: \[client %{IPORHOST:clientip}\])?


MYWEBAPP_LOG \[mywebapp\]

This patterns will be included by default in the grok and multiline filters.



  • Vagrant 1.2.1+
  • Vagrant Berkshelf Plugin vagrant plugin install vagrant-berkshelf
  • Vagrant Omnibus Plugin vagrant plugin install vagrant-omnibus

Uses the Box Name to determine the run list ( based on whether its Debian or RHEL based ).

See chef_json and chef_run_list variables to change recipe behavior.


Run Logstash on Ubuntu Lucid : vagrant up lucid32 or vagrant up lucid64

Run Logstash on Centos 6 32bit : vagrant up centos6_32

Logstash will listen for syslog messages on tcp/5140


  • Currently only tested on Ubuntu Natty, Precise, and RHEL 6.2.

License and Author

  • Author: John E. Vincent
  • Author: Bryan W. Berry ([email protected])
  • Author: Richard Clamp (@richardc)
  • Author: Juanje Ojeda (@juanje)
  • Author: @benattar
  • Copyright: 2012, John E. Vincent
  • Copyright: 2012, Bryan W. Berry
  • Copyright: 2012, Richard Clamp
  • Copyright: 2012, Juanje Ojeda
  • Copyright: 2012, @benattar

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


Semi-official Logstash cookbook






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