For the publication of NECO-D-21-00056
Please cite: She, Xiwei, Theodore W. Berger, and Dong Song. "A Double-Layer Multi-Resolution Classification Model for Decoding Spatiotemporal Patterns of Spikes With Small Sample Size." Neural Computation 34.1 (2021): 219-254.
Author: Xiwei She
To reproduce the results and plots in the paper, start from the script named "Synthetic_3_runningScript.m" to run the corresponding cases using the proposed memory decoding model.
To startover with simulating new synthetic data, start from the script named "Synthetic_1_*_.m".
The folder named "Results" is for storing all model output files.
The folder named "Synthetic_Input" is for storing all model input files.
The folder named "toolbox" contains all necessary MATLAB function script for running the entire memory decoding model.
In each folder, there is a sub-folder named "Paper Referenced". It contains the input-output data we used in the manuscript of NECO-D-21-00056.
Data of the rodent and human studies are available to readers upon request.
Please contact [email protected] for any questions.