prereqs - maven, jdk8, on ubuntu or osx.
If you're on windows you will need to run ubuntu in a virtual machine.
if replacing your system jdk/jvm with 1.8 isn't your thing, try vagrant!
I've included a sample Vagrant file and provisioning script that downloads an ubuntu 13.10 vm from and installs maven, jdk1.8, builds this project and runs src/js/test.js
If you prefer to manually setup your ubuntu vm/box feel free to hack the script and make it work. I've included the basics here if don't like figuring out shell scripts. Oh, and osx fans - you're on your own.
first(!) install maven if it is not installed,
if [ -z $(which mvn) ]; then sudo apt-get install maven; fi
get and install jdk8
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer
sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-set-default
add a user bin folder to hold your scripts
mkdir ~/bin
and add the folder to your path by editing your ~/.profile like so -
if [ -d "$HOME/bin" ] ; then
reload the .profile if changed
source ~/.profile
copy the source code from this project into ~/bin/
chmod +x ./src/bash/*
cp ./src/bash/* ~/bin/.