Querystring parser middleware for MongoDB, Express and Nodejs
npm install --save querymen
Querymen has a default schema to handle pagination as shown below.
page: {
type: Number,
default: 1,
max: 30,
min: 1,
bindTo: 'cursor',
parse: (value, path, operator, param) => {
return {skip: this.param('limit').value() * (value - 1)}
limit: {
type: Number,
default: 30,
max: 100,
min: 1,
bindTo: 'cursor',
parse: (value) => ({limit: value})
sort: {
type: [String],
default: '-createdAt',
bindTo: 'cursor',
parse: (value) => {
let fields = _.isArray(value) ? value : [value]
let sort = {}
fields.forEach((field) => {
if (field.charAt(0) === '-') {
sort[field.slice(1)] = -1
} else if (field.charAt(0) === '+') {
sort[field.slice(1)] = 1
} else {
sort[field] = 1
return {sort: sort}
This is the most simple and common usage.
import { middleware as query } from 'querymen';
app.get('/posts', query(), ({ querymen: { query, select, cursor } }, res) => {
Post.find(query, select, cursor).then(posts => {
// posts are proper paginated here
User requests /posts?page=2&limit=20&sort=-createdAt
querymen will be:
querymen = {
query: {},
select: {},
cursor: {
limit: 20,
skip: 20,
sort: { createdAt: -1 }
User requests /posts?q=term&fields=title,desc
querymen will be:
When user requests
, querymen parses it to{keywords: /term/i}
. It was designed to work with mongoose-keywords plugin, which adds akeywords
field to schemas (check that out).
querymen = {
query: {
keywords: /term/i
select: {
title: 1,
desc: 1
cursor: {
// defaults
limit: 30,
skip: 0,
sort: { createdAt: -1 }
User requests /posts?fields=-title&sort=name,-createdAt
querymen will be:
querymen = {
query: {},
select: {
title: 0
cursor: {
limit: 30,
skip: 0,
sort: {
name: 1,
createdAt: -1
You can define a custom schema, which will be merged into querymen default schema (explained above).
import { middleware as query } from 'querymen';
app.get('/posts', query({
after: {
type: Date,
paths: ['createdAt'],
operator: '$gte'
}), ({ querymen }, res) => {
Post.find(querymen.query).then(posts => {
// ...
User requests /posts?after=2016-04-23
querymen will be:
querymen = {
query: {
createdAt: { $gte: 1461369600000 }
select: {},
cursor: {
// defaults
limit: 30,
skip: 0,
sort: { createdAt: -1 }
You can create reusable schemas as well. Just instantiate a Schema
import { middleware as query, Schema } from 'querymen';
const schema = new Schema({
tags: {
type: [String],
// user requests /posts?tags=world,travel
// querymen.query is { tags: { $in: ['world', 'travel'] }}
app.get('/posts', query(schema));
app.get('/articles', query(schema));
import { middleware as query, Schema } from 'querymen';
const schema = new Schema({
active: Boolean, // shorthand to { type: Boolean }
sort: '-createdAt', // shorthand to { type: String, default: '-createdAt' }
term: {
type: RegExp,
paths: ['title', 'description'],
bindTo: 'search' // default was 'query'
with_picture: {
type: Boolean,
paths: ['picture'],
operator: '$exists'
}, {
page: false, // disable default parameter `page`
limit: 'max_items' // change name of default parameter `limit` to `max_items`
app.get('/posts', query(schema), ({ querymen }, res) => {
// user requests /posts?term=awesome&with_picture=true&active=true&max_items=100
// querymen.query is { picture: { $exists: true }, active: true }
// querymen.cursor is { limit: 100, sort: { createdAt: -1 } }
// querymen.search is { $or: [{ title: /awesome/i }, { description: /awesome/i }]}
import { middleware as query, Schema } from 'querymen';
const schema = new Schema();
schema.formatter('scream', (scream, value, param) => {
if (scream) {
value = value.toUpperCase() + '!!!!!!!';
return value;
schema.param('text', null, { type: String }); // { type: String }
schema.param('text').option('scream', true); // { type: String, scream: true }
console.log(schema.param('text').value()); // HELP!!!!!!!
schema.validator('isPlural', (isPlural, value, param) => {
return {
valid: !isPlural || value.substr(-1) === 's',
message: param.name + ' must be in plural form.'
schema.param('text').option('isPlural', true); // { type: String, scream: true, isPlural: true }
console.log(schema.validate()); // false
schema.param('text', 'helps');
console.log(schema.validate()); // true
console.log(schema.param('text').value()); // HELPS!!!!!!!
schema.parser('elemMatch', (elemMatch, value, path, operator) => {
if (elemMatch) {
value = { [path]: { $elemMatch: {[elemMatch]: {[operator]: value } }}};
return value;
schema.param('text', 'ivegotcontrols');
console.log(schema.param('text').parse()); // { text: 'IVEGOTCONTROLS!!!!!!!' }
schema.param('text').option('elemMatch', 'prop');
console.log(schema.param('text').parse()); // { text: { $elemMatch: { prop: { $eq: 'IVEGOTCONTROLS!!!!!!!'} }}}
Querymen also support geo queries, but it's disabled by default. To enable geo queries you just need to set near
option to true in schema options.
import { middleware as query } from 'querymen';
app.get('/places', query({}, { near: true }), (req, res) => {
Its paths
option is set to ['location']
by default, but you can change this as well:
import { middleware as query } from 'querymen';
near: { paths: ['loc'] }
}, {
near: true
(req, res) => {
User requests /places?near=-22.332113,-44.312311
(latitude, longitude), req.querymen.query will be:
req.querymen.query = {
loc: {
$near: {
$geometry: {
type: 'Point',
coordinates: [-44.312311, -22.332113]
User requests /places?near=-22.332113,-44.312311&min_distance=200&max_distance=2000
(min_distance and max_distance in meters), req.querymen.query will be:
req.querymen.query = {
loc: {
$near: {
$geometry: {
type: 'Point',
coordinates: [-44.312311, -22.332113]
$minDistace: 200,
$maxDistance: 2000
You can also use legacy geo queries as well. Just set geojson
option in param:
import { middleware as query } from 'querymen';
near: {
paths: ['loc'],
geojson: false
}, {
near: true
(req, res) => {
User requests /places?near=-22.332113,-44.312311&min_distance=200&max_distance=2000
, req.querymen.query will be:
req.querymen.query = {
loc: {
$near: [-44.312311, -22.332113],
// convert meters to radians automatically
$minDistace: 0.000031,
$maxDistance: 0.00031
// user requests /posts?category=world
import { middleware as query, querymen, Schema } from 'querymen';
const schema = new Schema({
category: {
type: String,
enum: ['culture', 'general', 'travel']
app.get('/posts', query(schema));
// create your own handler
app.use((err, req, res, next) => {
// or use querymen error handler
Response body will look like:
"valid": false,
"name": "enum",
"enum": ["culture", "general", "travel"],
"value": "world",
"message": "category must be one of: culture, general, travel"
This package was created with generator-rise. Please refer to there to understand the codestyle and workflow. Issues and PRs are welcome!
MIT © Diego Haz