Author | Generate | License |
Sila Rim |
This file was generated to edit in src/docs/ then run command yarn gen:docs |
This is a really simple project that shows the usage of Next.js with TypeScript.
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Using this custom store base on hookstate with custom plugin that we can access without hook and with hook
- Easy to Use with no need to learn it's almost the same javascript reactive
- Proxy base prevent unnecessary re-render without using selector
- Access both hook and out side hook
- Build-in persist like redux-persist with whitelist or blacklist
- No need provider call it every where from store to store, store to function or hook
- Out of box with many plugin
- Learn more about or sample code
import { createStore, useGlobalStore } from '@/hooks';
* this is sample of usage hookstate with persist plugin
* @link
* init interface
type IInitStore = {
colorScheme: 'dark' | 'light';
//init store value with interface it will use own value as interface
const initWithOwnType = {
counter: 0,
// init store value with interface it will use IInitStore for typing
const initWithType: IInitStore = {
colorScheme: 'light',
// combine init type & own type together
const initStore = {
// get combine type for store interface
type IStore = IInitStore & typeof initStore;
// get combine store key interface for whitelist typing
type IStoreKey = keyof IStore;
// create hook store
const store = createStore(initStore);
// store key and whitelist persist
const wrapStore = wrapGlobalStore<IStoreKey, IStore>({
key: 'useSampleStore',
whitelist: ['counter'],
* this one is normal custom hook we can return other state too
* but make sure following the rule of custom hook
export default function useSampleStore() {
* useGlobalStore is a custom hook base on hookstate
* provide persistence with whitelist or blacklist
const { state } = useGlobalStore(wrapStore);
// usage of update state with arg
const setCounterDecBy = (by = 1) => {
state.counter.set((p) => p - by);
return {
* usage of get state it will render only state.counter change due to it use proxy base
* @link
get counter() {
return state.counter.get();
//return func as normal custom hook
} as const;
//return store type
export type IDemoStore = Partial<ReturnType<typeof useSampleStore>>;
//return store type and store for using outside react
export const demoStore = getGlobalStore(wrapStore);
import useSampleStore, { demoStore } from '@/store';
// want to access store without using hook and can use every where
const getCounter = demoStore.counter.get();
const setCounter =()=> demoStore.counter.set(10);
export default function HomePage() {
const { counter } = useSampleStore();
return <>
* this counter get from store also it's persist in local storage
* it will re-render only counter update
// access counter without using hook
{/* setCounterDecBy with arg will update counter cause component re-render */}
<button onClick={()=>setCounterDecBy(1)> </button>
{/* setCounter without using hook */}
<button onClick={setCounter}> </button>
create .gql file with graph ql schema
create file xxName.gql in page/template or some where inside src for individual if want to global share should be create in
ex: crate graphQl/gql/sample.gql
query post($id: ID!) {
post(id: $id) {
generate without watch file so we need to generate every create new file or update xxxName.gql
yarn codegen
generate with watch file so it will generate every create new file or change xxxName.gql it's good for pc or computer has big RAM.
yarn codegen:watch
you will get 3 file there are
it will generate apollo hook to this file.operations.tsx
this file will generate as type base on operation of schema in xxName.gql.schemas.tsx
this file will generate as the whole type from graph ql api.
The real sample code of using it in store/useDemoStore.ts
before using it don't forget to wrap withApollo for every page or global in page/app.tsx for this boilerplate already set up as global now it ready to use.
* with GraphQl useQuery
export const HomePage = () => {
const {
data: postData,
loading: loadingPostData,
refetch: refetchPostData,
} = usePostQuery({
variables: {id: 1 }
return <h1>{postData.title}<h1/>
Add locale key
to all language file insidesrc/locales/resources/xx.json
Translate for english
// resources/en.json
"welcome": "Welcome to Nextjs Next Boilerplate",
"settings": {
"currentLanguage": "Current Language : {{locale}}"
- Translate for khmer
// resources/km.json
"welcome": "សូមស្វាគមន៍មកកាន់ Nextjs Next Boilerplate",
"settings": {
"currentLanguage": "ភាសាបច្ចុប្បន្ន : {{locale}}"
For current issue with typescript not update new key that we have added so we need to reload IDE to get new typescript update.
- Mac User
command key + p then input > then input reload then click Reload Window
export const HomePage = () => {
// get t func from store if those page already call seSettingsStore
const { t } = useSettingsStore();
//if not yet call seSettingsStore we also can call useTranslation from i18n it self
const { t } = useTranslation();
return <>
// with dynamic text translate
<h1> {t('settings.currentLanguage', { locale: 'khmer' })} <h1/>
// with normal translate
<h1> {t('welcome')} <h1/>
* interface: defined interface
export interface IUser {
name: string;
id: number;
gender: 'MALE' | 'FEMALE';
* type is like is new shorthand syntax for interface and it only a bit feature different
type UserType = {
name: string;
id?: number;
gender: 'MALE' | 'FEMALE';
type AdditionalUserType = {
school: string;
grade: string;
// usage:
export const userInfo: IUser = {
gender: 'FEMALE',
id: 1,
name: 'Sila',
const getUserInfoFunc = () => userInfo;
* Access to object property type
* -Ex: if we want to create UserName type we don't need to write type name:string again
* just access to use existing property in base type
export type UserName = IUser['name'];
* extends: inherits the properties for other type
* - using & sign to extends type like UserType extends AdditionalUserType...
export type FullUserType = UserType &
AdditionalUserType & {
schoolId: string;
* Partial: convert all type to optional
// ex: type will not required name and id
export const partialUser: Partial<UserType> = {
gender: 'FEMALE',
* Required: convert all type to required
* -Ex: all type will be required event will put optional in our base type like id in UserType
export const requiredUser: Required<UserType> = {
id: 1,
name: 'sila',
gender: 'MALE',
* Omit: remove property in type
* - Ex: name is remove from UserType
export const omitUserType: Omit<UserType, 'name'> = {
gender: 'MALE',
id: 1,
* Pick: select property in type
* - Ex: name is remove from UserType
export const pickUserType: Omit<UserType, 'name'> = {
gender: 'MALE',
id: 1,
* Exclude: remove property in type
* - Ex: banana is remove from FruitType
type FruitType = 'coffee' | 'banana';
// excludeFruit can't equal to 'banana'
export const excludeFruit: Exclude<FruitType, 'banana'> = 'coffee';
* ReturnType get inherited type from func
* -Ex: returnTypeFunc func bellow will return UserInfoType
export const returnTypeFunc = (fruit: ReturnType<typeof getUserInfoFunc>) => {
return fruit;
* Generic: can be pass new type to type
// U if optional because already assign sting
type dynamicTypeArg<T, U = string> = {
name: U;
otherInfo: Partial<T>;
export const dynamicData: dynamicTypeArg<UserType> = {
name: 'Sila',
otherInfo: {
gender: 'FEMALE',
// usage in normal func
export const genericArr = <T extends unknown = string>(arg1?: T) => {
return arg1;
// usage in arrow func
export function genericFunc<T>(arg: T) {
return arg;
// conditional generic
export type GenConditionalType<T = boolean> = T extends boolean ? boolean : string;
export const renderCondition = <T extends unknown>(v: T) => v;
const getProperty = <T, K extends keyof T>(obj: T, key: K) => {
return obj[key];
const userName = getProperty({ name: 'sila' });
// log( ==> "sila"
import { print } from 'graphql';
import { PostDocument } from '@/graphQl/hooks';
const getPost = async (variables?: PostQueryVariables) => {
const res ='', {
query: print(PostDocument),
return res;
const Homepage = () => {
useEffect(() => {
getPost().then((res) => {
}, []);
return <h1>Hello</h1>;
this boilerplate also has generator command using yo generator
root folder generator
yarn com
: starter for component with auto import to index
yarn com
yarn page
: starter for page
yarn page
yarn hook
: starter for hook with auto import ot index
yarn hook
yarn context
: starter for context with auto import ot index
yarn context
yarn enum
: starter for hook with auto import ot index
yarn enum
yarn constant
: starter for constant with auto import ot index
yarn constant