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Fix(l10n): Update translations from Transifex
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Signed-off-by: Nextcloud bot <[email protected]>
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nextcloud-bot committed Dec 5, 2024
1 parent 76a085d commit e976821
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Showing 206 changed files with 414 additions and 212 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion apps/dav/l10n/ar.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -207,7 +207,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Could not rename part file to final file, canceled by hook" : "تعذّرت إعادة تسمية ملف جزئي إلى ملف نهائي. تمّ الإلغاء من قِبَل الخطّاف hook.",
"Could not rename part file to final file" : "تعذّرت إعادة تسمية ملف جزئي إلى ملف نهائي",
"Failed to check file size: %1$s" : "فشل في تحديد حجم الملف: %1$s",
"Could not open file" : "تعذّر فتح الملف",
"Encryption not ready: %1$s" : "التشفير غير جاهز: %1$s",
"Failed to open file: %1$s" : "تعذّر فتح الملف: %1$s",
"Failed to unlink: %1$s" : "تعذّر فك الارتباط: %1$s",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -284,6 +283,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Your attendance was updated successfully." : "حضورك تم تحديثه بنجاحٍ",
"To-dos" : "قائمة المهام",
"Time:" : "الوقت:",
"Could not open file" : "تعذّر فتح الملف",
"Invalid chunk name" : "اسم كتلة chunk غير صحيح",
"Could not rename part file assembled from chunks" : "تعذّرت إعادة تسمية ملف جزئي مُجمّعٍ من كُتلٍ chunks",
"If you configure your working hours, other users will see when you are out of office when they book a meeting." : "إذا قمت بتهيئة ساعات العمل الخاصة بك، فسيظهر للمستخدمين الآخرين عندما يحجزون معك موعداً إذا ما كنت في المكتب أو خارجه."
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion apps/dav/l10n/ar.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -205,7 +205,6 @@
"Could not rename part file to final file, canceled by hook" : "تعذّرت إعادة تسمية ملف جزئي إلى ملف نهائي. تمّ الإلغاء من قِبَل الخطّاف hook.",
"Could not rename part file to final file" : "تعذّرت إعادة تسمية ملف جزئي إلى ملف نهائي",
"Failed to check file size: %1$s" : "فشل في تحديد حجم الملف: %1$s",
"Could not open file" : "تعذّر فتح الملف",
"Encryption not ready: %1$s" : "التشفير غير جاهز: %1$s",
"Failed to open file: %1$s" : "تعذّر فتح الملف: %1$s",
"Failed to unlink: %1$s" : "تعذّر فك الارتباط: %1$s",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -282,6 +281,7 @@
"Your attendance was updated successfully." : "حضورك تم تحديثه بنجاحٍ",
"To-dos" : "قائمة المهام",
"Time:" : "الوقت:",
"Could not open file" : "تعذّر فتح الملف",
"Invalid chunk name" : "اسم كتلة chunk غير صحيح",
"Could not rename part file assembled from chunks" : "تعذّرت إعادة تسمية ملف جزئي مُجمّعٍ من كُتلٍ chunks",
"If you configure your working hours, other users will see when you are out of office when they book a meeting." : "إذا قمت بتهيئة ساعات العمل الخاصة بك، فسيظهر للمستخدمين الآخرين عندما يحجزون معك موعداً إذا ما كنت في المكتب أو خارجه."
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion apps/dav/l10n/ast.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -147,7 +147,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Could not rename part file to final file, canceled by hook" : "Nun se pudo renomar el ficheru parcial al ficheru final, el ganchu encaboxó l'aición",
"Could not rename part file to final file" : "Nun se pudo renomar el ficheru parcial al ficheru final, el ganchu encaboxó l'aición",
"Failed to check file size: %1$s" : "Nun se pue comprobar el tamañu del ficheru: %1$s",
"Could not open file" : "Nun se pudo abrir el ficheru",
"Encryption not ready: %1$s" : "El cifráu nun ta preparáu: %1$s",
"Failed to open file: %1$s" : "Nun se pue abrir el ficheru: %1$s",
"Failed to unlink: %1$s" : "Nun se pue desenllaciar: %1$s",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -219,6 +218,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Your attendance was updated successfully." : "La to asistencia anovóse correutamente.",
"To-dos" : "Xeres pendientes",
"Time:" : "Hora:",
"Could not open file" : "Nun se pudo abrir el ficheru",
"Invalid chunk name" : "El nome del cachu ye inválidu",
"Could not rename part file assembled from chunks" : "Nun se pudo renomar el ficheru parcial ensambláu de los cachos",
"If you configure your working hours, other users will see when you are out of office when they book a meeting." : "Si configures les hores llaborales, los demás usuarios van ver cuando coles de la oficina al acutar una reunión."
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion apps/dav/l10n/ast.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -145,7 +145,6 @@
"Could not rename part file to final file, canceled by hook" : "Nun se pudo renomar el ficheru parcial al ficheru final, el ganchu encaboxó l'aición",
"Could not rename part file to final file" : "Nun se pudo renomar el ficheru parcial al ficheru final, el ganchu encaboxó l'aición",
"Failed to check file size: %1$s" : "Nun se pue comprobar el tamañu del ficheru: %1$s",
"Could not open file" : "Nun se pudo abrir el ficheru",
"Encryption not ready: %1$s" : "El cifráu nun ta preparáu: %1$s",
"Failed to open file: %1$s" : "Nun se pue abrir el ficheru: %1$s",
"Failed to unlink: %1$s" : "Nun se pue desenllaciar: %1$s",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -217,6 +216,7 @@
"Your attendance was updated successfully." : "La to asistencia anovóse correutamente.",
"To-dos" : "Xeres pendientes",
"Time:" : "Hora:",
"Could not open file" : "Nun se pudo abrir el ficheru",
"Invalid chunk name" : "El nome del cachu ye inválidu",
"Could not rename part file assembled from chunks" : "Nun se pudo renomar el ficheru parcial ensambláu de los cachos",
"If you configure your working hours, other users will see when you are out of office when they book a meeting." : "Si configures les hores llaborales, los demás usuarios van ver cuando coles de la oficina al acutar una reunión."
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion apps/dav/l10n/bg.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -147,7 +147,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Could not rename part file to final file, canceled by hook" : "Не можа да се преименува частичен файл в краен файл, анулиран е от кука",
"Could not rename part file to final file" : "Не можа да се преименува частичен файл в краен файл",
"Failed to check file size: %1$s" : "Неуспешна проверка на размера на файла: %1$s",
"Could not open file" : "Файлът не можа да се отвори",
"Encryption not ready: %1$s" : "Криптирането не е готово: %1$s",
"Failed to open file: %1$s" : "Неуспешно отваряне на файл: %1$s",
"Failed to unlink: %1$s" : "Неуспешно прекратяване на връзката: %1$s",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -200,6 +199,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Your attendance was updated successfully." : "Вашето присъствие е актуализирано успешно.",
"To-dos" : "Задачи за изпълнение",
"Time:" : "Час:",
"Could not open file" : "Файлът не можа да се отвори",
"Invalid chunk name" : "Невалидно име на блок",
"Could not rename part file assembled from chunks" : "Не можа да се преименува частичен файл, сглобен от блок",
"If you configure your working hours, other users will see when you are out of office when they book a meeting." : "Ако конфигурирате работното си време, другите потребители ще виждат кога сте извън офиса, при резервиране на среща."
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion apps/dav/l10n/bg.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -145,7 +145,6 @@
"Could not rename part file to final file, canceled by hook" : "Не можа да се преименува частичен файл в краен файл, анулиран е от кука",
"Could not rename part file to final file" : "Не можа да се преименува частичен файл в краен файл",
"Failed to check file size: %1$s" : "Неуспешна проверка на размера на файла: %1$s",
"Could not open file" : "Файлът не можа да се отвори",
"Encryption not ready: %1$s" : "Криптирането не е готово: %1$s",
"Failed to open file: %1$s" : "Неуспешно отваряне на файл: %1$s",
"Failed to unlink: %1$s" : "Неуспешно прекратяване на връзката: %1$s",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -198,6 +197,7 @@
"Your attendance was updated successfully." : "Вашето присъствие е актуализирано успешно.",
"To-dos" : "Задачи за изпълнение",
"Time:" : "Час:",
"Could not open file" : "Файлът не можа да се отвори",
"Invalid chunk name" : "Невалидно име на блок",
"Could not rename part file assembled from chunks" : "Не можа да се преименува частичен файл, сглобен от блок",
"If you configure your working hours, other users will see when you are out of office when they book a meeting." : "Ако конфигурирате работното си време, другите потребители ще виждат кога сте извън офиса, при резервиране на среща."
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion apps/dav/l10n/ca.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -150,7 +150,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Could not rename part file to final file, canceled by hook" : "No s'ha pogut canviar el nom del fitxer de part al fitxer final perquè el ganxo ho ha cancel·lat",
"Could not rename part file to final file" : "No s'ha pogut canviar el nom del fitxer de part al fitxer final",
"Failed to check file size: %1$s" : "No s'ha pogut comprovar la mida del fitxer: %1$s",
"Could not open file" : "No s'ha pogut obrir el fitxer",
"Encryption not ready: %1$s" : "El xifratge no està preparat: %1$s",
"Failed to open file: %1$s" : "No s'ha pogut obrir el fitxer: %1$s",
"Failed to unlink: %1$s" : "No s'ha pogut desenllaçar: %1$s",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -222,6 +221,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Your attendance was updated successfully." : "S'ha actualitzat correctament l'assistència.",
"To-dos" : "Tasques pendents",
"Time:" : "Hora:",
"Could not open file" : "No s'ha pogut obrir el fitxer",
"Invalid chunk name" : "El nom del fragment no és vàlid",
"Could not rename part file assembled from chunks" : "No s'ha pogut canviar el nom del fitxer de part muntat a partir de fragments",
"If you configure your working hours, other users will see when you are out of office when they book a meeting." : "Si configureu el vostre horari laboral, la resta d'usuaris veuran quan sou fora de l'oficina quan planifiquin una reunió."
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion apps/dav/l10n/ca.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -148,7 +148,6 @@
"Could not rename part file to final file, canceled by hook" : "No s'ha pogut canviar el nom del fitxer de part al fitxer final perquè el ganxo ho ha cancel·lat",
"Could not rename part file to final file" : "No s'ha pogut canviar el nom del fitxer de part al fitxer final",
"Failed to check file size: %1$s" : "No s'ha pogut comprovar la mida del fitxer: %1$s",
"Could not open file" : "No s'ha pogut obrir el fitxer",
"Encryption not ready: %1$s" : "El xifratge no està preparat: %1$s",
"Failed to open file: %1$s" : "No s'ha pogut obrir el fitxer: %1$s",
"Failed to unlink: %1$s" : "No s'ha pogut desenllaçar: %1$s",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -220,6 +219,7 @@
"Your attendance was updated successfully." : "S'ha actualitzat correctament l'assistència.",
"To-dos" : "Tasques pendents",
"Time:" : "Hora:",
"Could not open file" : "No s'ha pogut obrir el fitxer",
"Invalid chunk name" : "El nom del fragment no és vàlid",
"Could not rename part file assembled from chunks" : "No s'ha pogut canviar el nom del fitxer de part muntat a partir de fragments",
"If you configure your working hours, other users will see when you are out of office when they book a meeting." : "Si configureu el vostre horari laboral, la resta d'usuaris veuran quan sou fora de l'oficina quan planifiquin una reunió."
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion apps/dav/l10n/cs.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -207,7 +207,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Could not rename part file to final file, canceled by hook" : "Nedaří se zapsat přejmenovat částečný soubor na ten končený – zrušeno háčkem (hook)",
"Could not rename part file to final file" : "Nedaří se přejmenovat částečný soubor na ten konečný",
"Failed to check file size: %1$s" : "Nepodařilo se zkontrolovat velikost souboru: %1$s",
"Could not open file" : "Nedaří se otevřít soubor",
"Encryption not ready: %1$s" : "Šifrování není připraveno: %1$s",
"Failed to open file: %1$s" : "Nepodařilo se otevřít soubor: %1$s",
"Failed to unlink: %1$s" : "Nepodařilo se zrušit propojení: %1$s",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -284,6 +283,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Your attendance was updated successfully." : "Vaše účast byla úspěšně aktualizována.",
"To-dos" : "Zbývá udělat",
"Time:" : "Čas:",
"Could not open file" : "Nedaří se otevřít soubor",
"Invalid chunk name" : "Neplatný název pro shluk (chunk)",
"Could not rename part file assembled from chunks" : "Nedaří se přejmenovat částečný soubor složený ze shluků",
"If you configure your working hours, other users will see when you are out of office when they book a meeting." : "Když sem zadáte svou pracovní dobu, ostatní uživatelé při rezervování schůzky uvidí, kdy jste mimo kancelář."
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion apps/dav/l10n/cs.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -205,7 +205,6 @@
"Could not rename part file to final file, canceled by hook" : "Nedaří se zapsat přejmenovat částečný soubor na ten končený – zrušeno háčkem (hook)",
"Could not rename part file to final file" : "Nedaří se přejmenovat částečný soubor na ten konečný",
"Failed to check file size: %1$s" : "Nepodařilo se zkontrolovat velikost souboru: %1$s",
"Could not open file" : "Nedaří se otevřít soubor",
"Encryption not ready: %1$s" : "Šifrování není připraveno: %1$s",
"Failed to open file: %1$s" : "Nepodařilo se otevřít soubor: %1$s",
"Failed to unlink: %1$s" : "Nepodařilo se zrušit propojení: %1$s",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -282,6 +281,7 @@
"Your attendance was updated successfully." : "Vaše účast byla úspěšně aktualizována.",
"To-dos" : "Zbývá udělat",
"Time:" : "Čas:",
"Could not open file" : "Nedaří se otevřít soubor",
"Invalid chunk name" : "Neplatný název pro shluk (chunk)",
"Could not rename part file assembled from chunks" : "Nedaří se přejmenovat částečný soubor složený ze shluků",
"If you configure your working hours, other users will see when you are out of office when they book a meeting." : "Když sem zadáte svou pracovní dobu, ostatní uživatelé při rezervování schůzky uvidí, kdy jste mimo kancelář."
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion apps/dav/l10n/da.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -148,7 +148,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Could not rename part file to final file, canceled by hook" : "Kunne ikke omdøbe delfilen til den endelige fil, annulleret af hook",
"Could not rename part file to final file" : "Delfilen kunne ikke omdøbes til den endelige fil",
"Failed to check file size: %1$s" : "Kunne ikke kontrollere filstørrelsen: %1$s",
"Could not open file" : "Kunne ikke åbne fil",
"Encryption not ready: %1$s" : "Kryptering ikke klar: %1$s",
"Failed to open file: %1$s" : "Kunne ikke åbne fil: %1$s",
"Failed to unlink: %1$s" : "Tilknytningen kunne ikke fjernes: %1$s",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -221,6 +220,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Your attendance was updated successfully." : "Dit tilstedeværelse blev opdateret.",
"To-dos" : "Opgaver",
"Time:" : "Tid:",
"Could not open file" : "Kunne ikke åbne fil",
"Invalid chunk name" : "Ugyldigt stykke navn",
"Could not rename part file assembled from chunks" : "Kunne ikke omdøbe delfilen samlet fra stykker",
"If you configure your working hours, other users will see when you are out of office when they book a meeting." : "Hvis du konfigurerer din arbejdstid, vil andre brugere se, når du er fraværende, når de booker et møde."
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion apps/dav/l10n/da.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -146,7 +146,6 @@
"Could not rename part file to final file, canceled by hook" : "Kunne ikke omdøbe delfilen til den endelige fil, annulleret af hook",
"Could not rename part file to final file" : "Delfilen kunne ikke omdøbes til den endelige fil",
"Failed to check file size: %1$s" : "Kunne ikke kontrollere filstørrelsen: %1$s",
"Could not open file" : "Kunne ikke åbne fil",
"Encryption not ready: %1$s" : "Kryptering ikke klar: %1$s",
"Failed to open file: %1$s" : "Kunne ikke åbne fil: %1$s",
"Failed to unlink: %1$s" : "Tilknytningen kunne ikke fjernes: %1$s",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -219,6 +218,7 @@
"Your attendance was updated successfully." : "Dit tilstedeværelse blev opdateret.",
"To-dos" : "Opgaver",
"Time:" : "Tid:",
"Could not open file" : "Kunne ikke åbne fil",
"Invalid chunk name" : "Ugyldigt stykke navn",
"Could not rename part file assembled from chunks" : "Kunne ikke omdøbe delfilen samlet fra stykker",
"If you configure your working hours, other users will see when you are out of office when they book a meeting." : "Hvis du konfigurerer din arbejdstid, vil andre brugere se, når du er fraværende, når de booker et møde."
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion apps/dav/l10n/de.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -207,7 +207,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Could not rename part file to final file, canceled by hook" : "Konnte temporäre Datei nicht in die endgültige Datei umbenennen, wurde durch einen Hook abgebrochen",
"Could not rename part file to final file" : "Konnte temporäre Datei nicht in die endgültige Datei umbenennen",
"Failed to check file size: %1$s" : "Dateigröße konnte nicht überprüft werden: %1$s",
"Could not open file" : "Datei konnte nicht geöffnet werden",
"Encryption not ready: %1$s" : "Verschlüsselung nicht bereit: %1$s",
"Failed to open file: %1$s" : "Datei konnte nicht geöffnet werden: %1$s",
"Failed to unlink: %1$s" : "Fehler beim Aufheben der Verknüpfung: %1$s",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -284,6 +283,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Your attendance was updated successfully." : "Dein Teilnehmerstatus wurde aktualisiert.",
"To-dos" : "Aufgaben",
"Time:" : "Zeit:",
"Could not open file" : "Datei konnte nicht geöffnet werden",
"Invalid chunk name" : "Ungültiger Chunk-Name",
"Could not rename part file assembled from chunks" : "Aus Chunks zusammengesetzte temporäre Datei konnte nicht umbenannt werden",
"If you configure your working hours, other users will see when you are out of office when they book a meeting." : "Wenn du deine Arbeitszeiten konfigurierst, können andere Benutzer sehen, wann du nicht im Büro bist, wenn sie eine Besprechung buchen."
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion apps/dav/l10n/de.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -205,7 +205,6 @@
"Could not rename part file to final file, canceled by hook" : "Konnte temporäre Datei nicht in die endgültige Datei umbenennen, wurde durch einen Hook abgebrochen",
"Could not rename part file to final file" : "Konnte temporäre Datei nicht in die endgültige Datei umbenennen",
"Failed to check file size: %1$s" : "Dateigröße konnte nicht überprüft werden: %1$s",
"Could not open file" : "Datei konnte nicht geöffnet werden",
"Encryption not ready: %1$s" : "Verschlüsselung nicht bereit: %1$s",
"Failed to open file: %1$s" : "Datei konnte nicht geöffnet werden: %1$s",
"Failed to unlink: %1$s" : "Fehler beim Aufheben der Verknüpfung: %1$s",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -282,6 +281,7 @@
"Your attendance was updated successfully." : "Dein Teilnehmerstatus wurde aktualisiert.",
"To-dos" : "Aufgaben",
"Time:" : "Zeit:",
"Could not open file" : "Datei konnte nicht geöffnet werden",
"Invalid chunk name" : "Ungültiger Chunk-Name",
"Could not rename part file assembled from chunks" : "Aus Chunks zusammengesetzte temporäre Datei konnte nicht umbenannt werden",
"If you configure your working hours, other users will see when you are out of office when they book a meeting." : "Wenn du deine Arbeitszeiten konfigurierst, können andere Benutzer sehen, wann du nicht im Büro bist, wenn sie eine Besprechung buchen."
Expand Down

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